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<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); class Crud_model extends CI_Model { function __construct() { parent::__construct(); } function clear_cache() { $this->output->set_header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); $this->output->set_header('Pragma: no-cache'); } function get_field($table, $table_id = '', $field = 'name') { return $this->db->get_where($table, array($table . '_id' => $table_id))->row()->$field; } /////////GET NAME BY TABLE NAME AND ID///////////// function get_type_name_by_id($type, $type_id = '', $field = 'name') { if ($type_id != '') { $l = $this->db->get_where($type, array($type . '_id' => $type_id)); $n = $l->num_rows(); if ($n > 0) { return $l->row()->$field; } } } function get_settings_value($type, $type_name = '', $field = 'value') { if ($type_name != '') { return $this->db->get_where($type, array('type' => $type_name))->row()->$field; } } function get_main_image($data) { foreach ($data as $row) { if ($row['index'] == 0) { return $row['img']; } } } function get_main_thumb($data) { foreach ($data as $row) { if ($row['index'] == 0) { return $row['thumb']; } } } function check_page_ad_availability($type, $id) { $available = $this->db->get_where('advertisement', array('page_id' => $id, 'status' => 'ok', 'availability' => $type))->num_rows(); if ($available == 0) { return false; } else { return true; } } /* Get Table Value by Type */ function get_val_by_type($table, $type) { return $this->db->get_where($table, array('type' => $type))->row()->value; } //GET PRODUCT LINK function news_link($news_id, $quick = '') { if ($quick == 'quick') { return base_url() . 'home/news_description/' . $news_id; } else { $name = url_title($this->get_type_name_by_id('news', $news_id, 'title')); return base_url() . 'home/news_description/' . $news_id . '/' . $name; } } function blog_link($blog_id, $quick = '') { if ($quick == 'quick') { return base_url() . 'home/blog_detail/' . $blog_id; } else { $name = url_title($this->get_type_name_by_id('blog', $blog_id, 'title')); return base_url() . 'home/blog_detail/' . $blog_id . '/' . $name; } } function blog_photo_link($blog_photo_id, $quick = '') { if ($quick == 'quick') { return base_url() . 'home/blog_photo_description/' . $blog_photo_id; } else { $name = url_title($this->get_type_name_by_id('blog_photo', $blog_photo_id, 'title')); return base_url() . 'home/blog_photo_description/' . $blog_photo_id . '/' . $name; } } function blog_video_link($blog_video_id, $quick = '') { if ($quick == 'quick') { return base_url() . 'home/blog_video_description/' . $blog_video_id; } else { //$name = url_title($this->get_type_name_by_id('photo', $blog_video_id, 'title')); $name = url_title($this->get_type_name_by_id('blog_video', $blog_video_id, 'title')); return base_url() . 'home/blog_video_description/' . $blog_video_id . '/' . $name; } } function news_link_archive($news_id, $quick = '') { if ($quick == 'quick') { return base_url() . 'home/news_description_archive/' . $news_id; } else { $name = url_title($this->get_type_name_by_id('news_archive', $news_id, 'title')); return base_url() . 'home/news_description_archive/' . $news_id . '/' . $name; } } function photo_link($photo_id, $quick = '') { if ($quick == 'quick') { return base_url() . 'home/photo_description/' . $photo_id; } else { $name = url_title($this->get_type_name_by_id('photo', $photo_id, 'title')); return base_url() . 'home/photo_description/' . $photo_id . '/' . $name; } } function video_link($video_id, $quick = '') { if ($quick == 'quick') { return base_url() . 'home/video_description/' . $video_id; } else { //$name = url_title($this->get_type_name_by_id('photo', $video_id, 'title')); $name = url_title($this->get_type_name_by_id('video', $video_id, 'title')); return base_url() . 'home/video_description/' . $video_id . '/' . $name; } } function reporter_link($reporter_id, $quick = '') { if ($quick == 'quick') { return base_url() . 'home/reporter_description/' . $reporter_id; } else { $name = url_title($this->get_type_name_by_id('news_reporter', $reporter_id, 'name')); return base_url() . 'home/reporter_description/' . $reporter_id . '/' . $name; } } function bloggers_link($blogger_id, $quick = '') { if ($quick == 'quick') { return base_url() . 'home/blogger_description/' . $blogger_id; } else { $name = url_title($this->get_type_name_by_id('user', $blogger_id, 'firstname').' '.$this->get_type_name_by_id('user', $blogger_id, 'lastname')); return base_url() . 'home/blogger_description/' . $blogger_id . '/' . $name; } } function blogger_link($user_id, $quick = '') { if ($quick == 'quick') { return base_url() . 'home/blog_profile/' . $user_id; } else { $name = url_title($this->get_type_name_by_id('user', $user_id, 'firstname').' '.$this->get_type_name_by_id('user', $user_id, 'lastname')); return base_url() . 'home/blog_profile/' . $user_id . '/' . $name; } } function get_seconds($string) { $string = explode('-', $string); $value = $string[0]; $type = $string[1]; if ($type == 'day') { $secnd1 = $value * 86400; return $secnd1; } elseif ($type == 'month') { $secnd2 = $value * 30 * 86400; return $secnd2; } elseif ($type == 'year') { $secnd3 = $value * 12 * 30 * 86400; return $secnd3; } else { return 0; } } /////////Filter One///////////// function filter_one($table, $type, $value) { $this->db->select('*'); $this->db->from($table); $this->db->where($type, $value); return $this->db->get()->result_array(); } // FILE_UPLOAD function img_thumb($type, $id, $ext = '.jpg', $width = '400', $height = '400') { $this->load->library('image_lib'); ini_set("memory_limit", "-1"); $config1['image_library'] = 'gd2'; $config1['create_thumb'] = TRUE; $config1['maintain_ratio'] = TRUE; $config1['width'] = $width; $config1['height'] = $height; $config1['source_image'] = 'uploads/' . $type . '_image/' . $type . '_' . $id .'.'. $ext; $this->image_lib->initialize($config1); $this->image_lib->resize(); $this->image_lib->clear(); } // FILE_UPLOAD function file_up($name, $type, $id, $multi = '', $no_thumb = '', $ext = '.jpg', $ext_other = '') { if ($multi == '') { $path = $_FILES[$name]['name']; if($ext_other == ''){ $ext = pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); } else { $ext = $ext_other; } move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$name]['tmp_name'], 'uploads/' . $type . '_image/' . $type . '_' . $id .'.'. $ext); if ($no_thumb == '') { $this->img_thumb($type, $id, $ext); } } elseif ($multi == 'multi') { $ib = 1; foreach ($_FILES[$name]['name'] as $i => $row) { $path = $_FILES[$name]['name'][$i]; $ext = pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $ib = $this->file_exist_ret($type, $id, $ib, $ext); move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$name]['tmp_name'][$i], 'uploads/' . $type . '_image/' . $type . '_' . $id . '_' . $ib .'.'. $ext); if ($no_thumb == '') { $this->img_thumb($type, $id . '_' . $ib, $ext); } } } } // FILE_UPLOAD : EXT :: FILE EXISTS function file_exist_ret($type, $id, $ib, $ext = '.jpg') { if (file_exists('uploads/' . $type . '_image/' . $type . '_' . $id . '_' . $ib . $ext)) { $ib = $ib + 1; $ib = $this->file_exist_ret($type, $id, $ib); return $ib; } else { return $ib; } } // FILE_VIEW function file_view($type, $id, $width = '100', $height = '100', $thumb = 'no', $src = 'no', $multi = '', $multi_num = '', $ext = '.jpg') { if ($multi == '') { if (file_exists('uploads/' . $type . '_image/' . $type . '_' . $id . $ext)) { if ($thumb == 'no') { $srcl = base_url() . 'uploads/' . $type . '_image/' . $type . '_' . $id . $ext; } elseif ($thumb == 'thumb') { $srcl = base_url() . 'uploads/' . $type . '_image/' . $type . '_' . $id . '_thumb' . $ext; } if ($src == 'no') { return '<img src="' . $srcl . '" height="' . $height . '" width="' . $width . '" />'; } elseif ($src == 'src') { return $srcl; } } else { return base_url() . 'uploads/' . $type . '_image/default.jpg'; } } else if ($multi == 'multi') { $num = count(json_decode($this->Crud_model->get_type_name_by_id($type, $id, 'img_features'), true)); //$n = 0; $i = 0; $p = 0; $q = 0; $return = array(); while ($p < $num) { $i++; if (file_exists('uploads/' . $type . '_image/' . $type . '_' . $id . '_' . $i . $ext)) { if ($thumb == 'no') { $srcl = base_url() . 'uploads/' . $type . '_image/' . $type . '_' . $id . '_' . $i . $ext; } elseif ($thumb == 'thumb') { $srcl = base_url() . 'uploads/' . $type . '_image/' . $type . '_' . $id . '_' . $i . '_thumb' . $ext; } if ($src == 'no') { $return[] = '<img src="' . $srcl . '" height="' . $height . '" width="' . $width . '" />'; } elseif ($src == 'src') { $return[] = $srcl; } $p++; } else { $q++; if ($q == 10) { break; } } } if (!empty($return)) { if ($multi_num == 'one') { return $return[0]; } else if ($multi_num == 'all') { return $return; } else { $n = $multi_num - 1; unset($return[$n]); return $return; } } else { if ($multi_num == 'one') { return base_url() . 'uploads/' . $type . '_image/default.jpg'; } else if ($multi_num == 'all') { return array(base_url() . 'uploads/' . $type . '_image/default.jpg'); } else { return array(base_url() . 'uploads/' . $type . '_image/default.jpg'); } } } } // FILE_VIEW function file_dlt($type, $id, $ext = '.jpg', $multi = '', $m_sin = '') { if ($multi == '') { if (file_exists('uploads/' . $type . '_image/' . $type . '_' . $id . $ext)) { unlink("uploads/" . $type . "_image/" . $type . "_" . $id . $ext); } if (file_exists("uploads/" . $type . "_image/" . $type . "_" . $id . "_thumb" . $ext)) { unlink("uploads/" . $type . "_image/" . $type . "_" . $id . "_thumb" . $ext); } } else if ($multi == 'multi') { $num = count(json_decode($this->Crud_model->get_type_name_by_id($type, $id, 'img_features'), true)); if ($m_sin == '') { $i = 0; $p = 0; while ($p < $num) { $i++; if (file_exists('uploads/' . $type . '_image/' . $type . '_' . $id . '_' . $i . $ext)) { unlink("uploads/" . $type . "_image/" . $type . "_" . $id . '_' . $i . $ext); $p++; $data['num_of_imgs'] = $num - 1; $this->db->where($type . '_id', $id); $this->db->update($type, $data); } if (file_exists("uploads/" . $type . "_image/" . $type . "_" . $id . '_' . $i . "_thumb" . $ext)) { unlink("uploads/" . $type . "_image/" . $type . "_" . $id . '_' . $i . "_thumb" . $ext); } if ($i < 50) { break; } } } else { if (file_exists('uploads/' . $type . '_image/' . $type . '_' . $id . '_' . $m_sin . $ext)) { unlink("uploads/" . $type . "_image/" . $type . "_" . $id . '_' . $m_sin . $ext); } if (file_exists("uploads/" . $type . "_image/" . $type . "_" . $id . '_' . $m_sin . "_thumb" . $ext)) { unlink("uploads/" . $type . "_image/" . $type . "_" . $id . '_' . $m_sin . "_thumb" . $ext); } $data['num_of_imgs'] = $num - 1; $this->db->where($type . '_id', $id); $this->db->update($type, $data); } } } //DELETE MULTIPLE ITEMS function multi_delete($type, $ids_array) { foreach ($ids_array as $row) { $this->file_dlt($type, $row); $this->db->where($type . '_id', $row); $this->db->delete($type); } } //DELETE SINGLE ITEM function single_delete($type, $id) { $this->file_dlt($type, $id); $this->db->where($type . '_id', $id); $this->db->delete($type); } /////////SELECT HTML///////////// function select_html($from, $name, $field, $type, $class, $e_match = '', $condition = '', $c_match = '', $onchange = '') { $return = ''; $other = ''; $multi = 'no'; $phrase = 'Choose a ' . $name; if ($class == 'demo-cs-multiselect' || $class == 'demo-cs-multiselect widget_select') { $other = 'multiple'; $name = $name . '[]'; if ($type == 'edit') { $e_match = json_decode($e_match); if ($e_match == NULL) { $e_match = array(); } $multi = 'yes'; } } $return = '<select name="' . $name . '" onChange="' . $onchange . '(this.value,this)" class="' . $class . '" ' . $other . ' data-placeholder="' . $phrase . '" tabindex="2" >'; if (!is_array($from)) { if ($condition == '') { $all = $this->db->get($from)->result_array(); } else if ($condition !== '') { $all = $this->db->get_where($from, array($condition => $c_match))->result_array(); } $return .= '<option value="" disabled selected>' . translate('choose_one') . '</option>'; foreach ($all as $row): if ($type == 'add') { $return .= '<option value="' . $row[$from . '_id'] . '">' . $row[$field] . '</option>'; } else if ($type == 'edit') { $return .= '<option value="' . $row[$from . '_id'] . '" '; if ($multi == 'no') { if ($row[$from . '_id'] == $e_match) { $return .= 'selected=."selected"'; } } else if ($multi == 'yes') { if (in_array($row[$from . '_id'], $e_match)) { $return .= 'selected=."selected"'; } } $return .= '>' . $row[$field] . '</option>'; } endforeach; } else { $all = $from; $return .= '<option value="">Choose one</option>'; foreach ($all as $o => $row): if ($type == 'add') { $return .= '<option value="' . $o . '">'; if ($condition == '') { $return .= $row; } else { $return .= $this->Crud_model->get_type_name_by_id($condition, $row, $c_match); } $return .= '</option>'; } else if ($type == 'edit') { $return .= '<option value="' . $o . '" '; if ($row == $e_match) { $return .= 'selected=."selected"'; } $return .= '>'; if ($condition == '') { $return .= $row; } else { $return .= $this->Crud_model->get_type_name_by_id($condition, $row, $c_match); } $return .= '</option>'; } endforeach; } $return .= '</select>'; return $return; } //CHECK IF PRODUCT EXISTS IN TABLE function exists_in_table($table, $field, $val) { $ret = ''; $res = $this->db->get($table)->result_array(); foreach ($res as $row) { if ($row[$field] == $val) { $ret = $row[$table . '_id']; } } if ($ret == '') { return false; } else { return $ret; } } //FORM FIELDS function form_fields($array) { $return = ''; foreach ($array as $row) { $return .= '<div class="form-group">'; $return .= ' <label class="col-sm-4 control-label" for="demo-hor-inputpass">' . $row . '</label>'; $return .= ' <div class="col-sm-6">'; $return .= ' <input type="text" name="ad_field_values[]" id="demo-hor-inputpass" class="form-control">'; $return .= ' <input type="hidden" name="ad_field_names[]" value="' . $row . '" >'; $return .= ' </div>'; $return .= '</div>'; } return $return; } // PAGINATION function pagination($type, $per, $link, $f_o, $f_c, $other, $current, $seg = '3', $ord = 'desc') { $t = explode('#', $other); $t_o = $t[0]; $t_c = $t[1]; $c = explode('#', $current); $c_o = $c[0]; $c_c = $c[1]; $this->load->library('pagination'); $this->db->order_by($type . '_id', $ord); $config['total_rows'] = $this->db->count_all_results($type); $config['base_url'] = base_url() . $link; $config['per_page'] = $per; $config['uri_segment'] = $seg; $config['first_link'] = '«'; $config['first_tag_open'] = $t_o; $config['first_tag_close'] = $t_c; $config['last_link'] = '»'; $config['last_tag_open'] = $t_o; $config['last_tag_close'] = $t_c; $config['prev_link'] = '‹'; $config['prev_tag_open'] = $t_o; $config['prev_tag_close'] = $t_c; $config['next_link'] = '›'; $config['next_tag_open'] = $t_o; $config['next_tag_close'] = $t_c; $config['full_tag_open'] = $f_o; $config['full_tag_close'] = $f_c; $config['cur_tag_open'] = $c_o; $config['cur_tag_close'] = $c_c; $config['num_tag_open'] = $t_o; $config['num_tag_close'] = $t_c; $this->pagination->initialize($config); $this->db->order_by($type . '_id', $ord); return $this->db->get($type, $config['per_page'], $this->uri->segment($seg))->result_array(); } //GETTING IDS OF A TABLE FILTERING SPECIFIC TYPE OF VALUE RANGE function ids_between_values($table, $value_type, $up_val, $down_val) { $this->db->order_by($table . '_id', 'desc'); return $this->db->get_where($table, array($value_type . ' <=' => $up_val, $value_type . ' >=' => $down_val))->result_array(); } //GETTING BOOTSTRAP COLUMN VALUE function boot($num) { return (12 / $num); } //GETTING LOGO BY TYPE function logo($type) { $logo = $this->db->get_where('ui_settings', array('type' => $type))->row()->value; return base_url() . 'uploads/logo_image/logo_' . $logo . '.png'; } //GETTING ADMIN PERMISSION function admin_permission($codename) { if ($this->session->userdata('admin_login') != 'yes') { return false; } $admin_id = $this->session->userdata('admin_id'); $admin = $this->db->get_where('admin', array('admin_id' => $admin_id))->row(); $permission = $this->db->get_where('permission', array('codename' => $codename))->row()->permission_id; if ($admin->role == 1) { return true; } else { $role = $admin->role; $role_permissions = json_decode($this->Crud_model->get_type_name_by_id('role', $role, 'permission')); if (in_array($permission, $role_permissions)) { return true; } else { return false; } } return true; } //ADDING NEWS TO READLATER-LIST function add_readlater($id) { $user = $this->session->userdata('user_id'); if ($this->get_type_name_by_id('user', $user, 'readlater') !== '[]') { $readlater = json_decode($this->get_type_name_by_id('user', $user, 'readlater')); } else { $readlater = array(); } if ($this->is_added_already($id) == 'no') { array_push($readlater, $id); $this->db->where('user_id', $user); $this->db->update('user', array( 'readlater' => json_encode($readlater) )); return 'added'; } else { return 'already'; } } //REMOVING NEWS FROM READLATER-LIST function remove_readlater($id) { $user = $this->session->userdata('user_id'); if ($this->get_type_name_by_id('user', $user, 'readlater') !== '[]') { $readlater = json_decode($this->get_type_name_by_id('user', $user, 'readlater')); $readlater_new = array(); foreach ($readlater as $row) { if ($row !== $id) { $readlater_new[] = $row; } } } else { $readlater = array(); } $this->db->where('user_id', $user); $this->db->update('user', array( 'readlater' => json_encode($readlater_new) )); } //NUMBER OF READLATER NEWS function readlater_num() { $user = $this->session->userdata('user_id'); if ($this->get_type_name_by_id('user', $user, 'readlater') !== '[]') { $rl = json_decode($this->get_type_name_by_id('user', $user, 'readlater')); $this->db->where('status', 'published'); $this->db->where_in('news_id',$rl); $rln = $this->db->get('news')->num_rows(); return $rln; } else { return 0; } } //IF NEWS IS ADDED TO CURRENT USER'S READLATER-LIST function is_added_already($id) { if ($this->session->userdata('user_login') == 'yes') { $user = $this->session->userdata('user_id'); if ($this->get_type_name_by_id('user', $user, 'readlater') !== '[]') { $readlater = json_decode($this->get_type_name_by_id('user', $user, 'readlater')); } else { $readlater = array( '0' ); } if (in_array($id, $readlater)) { return 'yes'; } else { return 'no'; } } else { return 'no'; } } //GETTING IP DATA OF PEOPLE BROWING THE SYSTEM function ip_data() { $this->session->set_userdata('last_activity', time()); $user_data = $this->session->userdata('surfer_info'); //$ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $ip = ''; if (!$user_data) { //if($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] !== 'localhost'){ $ip_data = file_get_contents("" . $ip); $this->session->set_userdata('surfer_info', $ip_data); //} } } function second_to_tym($details) { $return = ''; if ($details == 'unlimited') { $return = $details; } else if ($details % 86400 == 0) { if ($details % 2592000 == 0) { if ($details % 31104000 == 0) { $return = $details / 31104000; $return .= translate(' years'); } else { $return = $details / 2592000; $return .= translate(' months'); } } else if ($details % 31104000 == 0) { $return = $details / 31104000; $return .= translate(' years'); } else { $return = $details / 86400; $return .= translate(' days'); } } else { $return = 'error'; } return $return; } function seo_stat($type = '') { try { $url = base_url(); $seostats = new \SEOstats\SEOstats; if ($seostats->setUrl($url)) { if ($type == 'facebook') { return SEOstats\Services\Social::getFacebookShares(); } elseif ($type == 'gplus') { return SEOstats\Services\Social::getGooglePlusShares(); } elseif ($type == 'twitter') { return SEOstats\Services\Social::getTwitterShares(); } elseif ($type == 'linkedin') { return SEOstats\Services\Social::getLinkedInShares(); } elseif ($type == 'pinterest') { return SEOstats\Services\Social::getPinterestShares(); } elseif ($type == 'alexa_global') { return SEOstats\Services\Alexa::getGlobalRank(); } elseif ($type == 'alexa_country') { return SEOstats\Services\Alexa::getCountryRank(); } elseif ($type == 'alexa_bounce') { return SEOstats\Services\Alexa::getTrafficGraph(5); } elseif ($type == 'alexa_time') { return SEOstats\Services\Alexa::getTrafficGraph(4); } elseif ($type == 'alexa_traffic') { return SEOstats\Services\Alexa::getTrafficGraph(1); } elseif ($type == 'alexa_pageviews') { return SEOstats\Services\Alexa::getTrafficGraph(2); } elseif ($type == 'google_siteindex') { return SEOstats\Services\Google::getSiteindexTotal(); } elseif ($type == 'google_back') { return SEOstats\Services\Google::getBacklinksTotal(); } elseif ($type == 'search_graph_1') { return SEOstats\Services\SemRush::getDomainGraph(1); } elseif ($type == 'search_graph_2') { return SEOstats\Services\SemRush::getDomainGraph(2); } } } catch (\Exception $e) { echo 'Caught SEOstatsException: ' . $e->getMessage(); } } function get_sidebar($page) { $page_data['page'] = $page; return ($this->load->view('front/sidebar', $page_data, true)); } function get_sidebar_blog() { $page_data[] = ''; return ($this->load->view('front/sidebar_blog', $page_data, true)); } function clean_garbage($time) { $a = scandir('uploads/product_image/temp/'); $b = scandir('uploads/product_image/temp/thumbnail/'); foreach ($a as $row) { $elem = 'uploads/product_image/temp/' . $row; if (is_file($elem)) { if ((time() - filemtime($elem)) > $time) { unlink($elem); } } } foreach ($b as $row) { $elem = 'uploads/product_image/temp/thumbnail/' . $row; if (is_file($elem)) { if ((time() - filemtime($elem)) > $time) { unlink($elem); } } } } function ticket_unread_messages($ticket_id, $user_type) { $count = 0; if ($ticket_id !== 'all') { $msgs = $this->db->get_where('ticket_message', array('ticket_id' => $ticket_id))->result_array(); } else if ($ticket_id == 'all') { $msgs = $this->db->get('ticket_message')->result_array(); } foreach ($msgs as $row) { $status = json_decode($row['view_status'], true); foreach ($status as $type => $row1) { if ($type == $user_type . '_show') { if ($row1 == 'no') { $count++; } } } } return $count; } function ticket_message_viewed($ticket_id, $user_type) { $msgs = $this->db->get_where('ticket_message', array('ticket_id' => $ticket_id))->result_array(); foreach ($msgs as $row) { $status = json_decode($row['view_status'], true); $new_status = array(); foreach ($status as $type => $row1) { if ($type == $user_type . '_show') { $new_status[$type] = 'ok'; } else { $new_status[$type] = $row1; } } $view_status = json_encode($new_status); $this->db->where('ticket_message_id', $row['ticket_message_id']); $this->db->update('ticket_message', array( 'view_status' => $view_status )); } } function package_expiration_check(){ $cron_time = $this->db->get_where('general_settings', array('type' => 'cron_time'))->row()->value; $cron_gap = $this->db->get_where('general_settings', array('type' => 'cron_gap'))->row()->value; if(($cron_time+$cron_gap) < time()){ $non_expired_package = $this->db->get_where('advertisement_payment',array('payment_status' => 'paid','expire' => 'no'))->result_array(); foreach($non_expired_package as $row){ if($row['expire_timestamp'] < time()){ $data['expire'] = 'yes'; $data['expire_timestamp'] = 0; $this->db->where('advertisement_payment_id',$row['advertisement_payment_id']); $this->db->update('advertisement_payment',$data); $data1['availability'] = 'available'; $data1['user_id'] = ''; $data1['user_status'] = ''; $data1['approval'] = ''; $this->db->where('advertisement_id',$row['advertisement_id']); $this->db->update('advertisement',$data1); } } $this->db->where('type', "cron_time"); $this->db->update('general_settings', array('value' => time())); } } function blog_counter($type,$blogger,$thing){ $blogs = $this->db->get_where($type,array($type.'_uploader_id'=>$blogger)); if($thing == 'views'){ $return = 0; foreach($blogs->result_array() as $row){ $return += $row['view_count']; } } else if($thing == 'count'){ $return = $blogs->num_rows(); } return $return; } function file_up_from_urls($urls, $type, $id,$no_thumb = '') { $ib = 1; $img_features = array(); foreach ($urls as $url) { $ext = '.'.pathinfo($url, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $ib = $this->file_exist_ret2($type, $id, $ib,$ext); $img = $type.'_' . $id . '_' . $ib . $ext; $img_thumb = $type.'_' . $id . '_' . $ib . '_thumb' . $ext; $img_features[] = array('index' => $ib-1, 'img' => $img, 'thumb' => $img_thumb); file_put_contents('uploads/' . $type . '_image/' . $type . '_' . $id . '_' . $ib . $ext, file_get_contents($url)); if ($no_thumb == '') { $this->Crud_model->img_thumb($type, $id . '_' . $ib, pathinfo($url, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); } } $data1['img_features'] = json_encode($img_features); $this->db->where('news_id', $id); $this->db->update('news', $data1); } function file_exist_ret2($type, $id, $ib, $ext = '.jpg') { if (file_exists(FCPATH . 'uploads/' . $type . '_image/' . $type . '_' . $id . '_' . $ib . $ext)) { $ib = $ib + 1; $ib = $this->file_exist_ret2($type, $id, $ib, $ext); return $ib; } else { return $ib; } } }