One Hat Cyber Team
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Linux 4.19.286-203.ELK.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 14 04:33:55 CDT 2023 x86_64
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<?php return array ( 'Name is required' => 'Name is required', 'Name already exist' => 'Name already exist', 'Slug is required' => 'Slug is required', 'Slug already exist' => 'Slug already exist', 'Created Successfully' => 'Created Successfully', 'Update Successfully' => 'Update Successfully', 'You cannot delete this category, multiple blogs are available under this category' => 'لا يمكنك حذف هذه الفئة، هناك عدة مدونات متاحة تحت هذه الفئة', 'Delete Successfully' => 'Delete Successfully', 'Title is required' => 'Title is required', 'Title already exist' => 'Title already exist', 'Image is required' => 'Image is required', 'Description is required' => 'Description is required', 'Category is required' => 'Category is required', 'Updated Successfully' => 'Updated Successfully', 'Inactive Successfully' => 'Inactive Successfully', 'Active Successfully' => 'Active Successfully', 'Contact email is required' => 'Contact email is required', 'Mail host is required' => 'Mail host is required', 'Email is required' => 'Email is required', 'Smtp username is required' => 'Smtp username is required', 'Smtp password is required' => 'Smtp password is required', 'Mail port is required' => 'Mail port is required', 'Mail encryption is required' => 'Mail encryption is required', 'Something went wrong' => 'Something went wrong', 'Subject is required' => 'Subject is required', 'Paypal client id is required' => 'Paypal client id is required', 'Paypal secret key is required' => 'Paypal secret key is required', 'Account mode is required' => 'Account mode is required', 'Country name is required' => 'Country name is required', 'Currency name is required' => 'Currency name is required', 'Currency rate is required' => 'Currency rate is required', 'Stripe key is required' => 'Stripe key is required', 'Stripe secret is required' => 'Stripe secret is required', 'Razorpay key is required' => 'Razorpay key is required', 'Razorpay secret is required' => 'Razorpay secret is required', 'Theme Color is required' => 'Theme Color is required', 'Account information is required' => 'Account information is required', 'Mollie key is required' => 'Mollie key is required', 'Paystack public key is required' => 'Paystack public key is required', 'Paystack secret key is required' => 'Paystack secret key is required', 'Country rate is required' => 'Country rate is required', 'Public key is required' => 'Public key is required', 'Secret key is required' => 'Secret key is required', 'Api key is required' => 'Api key is required', 'Auth token is required' => 'Auth token is required', 'App name is required' => 'App name is required', 'Currency icon is required' => 'Currency icon is required', 'Allow is required' => 'Allow is required', 'Border is required' => 'Border is required', 'Corner is required' => 'Corner is required', 'Background color is required' => 'Background color is required', 'Text color is required' => 'Text color is required', 'Border Color is required' => 'Border Color is required', 'Button color is required' => 'Button color is required', 'Button text color is required' => 'Button text color is required', 'Link text is required' => 'Link text is required', 'Button text is required' => 'Button text is required', 'Message is required' => 'Message is required', 'Site key is required' => 'Site key is required', 'Chat link is required' => 'Chat link is required', 'Analytic id is required' => 'Analytic id is required', 'App id is required' => 'App id is required', 'Every field is required' => 'Every field is required', 'Database updated successfully' => 'Database updated successfully', 'Facebook app id is required' => 'Facebook app id is required', 'Facebook app secret is required' => 'Facebook app secret is required', 'Gmail client id is required' => 'Gmail client id is required', 'Gmail secret id is required' => 'Gmail secret id is required', 'Gmail redirect url is required' => 'Gmail redirect url is required', 'Facebook redirect url is required' => 'Facebook redirect url is required', 'Phone is required' => 'Phone is required', 'Address is required' => 'Address is required', 'Opening day is required' => 'Opening day is required', 'Closed day is required' => 'Closed day is required', 'Copyright required' => 'Copyright required', 'Cache cleared successfully' => 'Cache cleared successfully', 'Database Cleared Successfully' => 'Database Cleared Successfully', 'Email Send Successfully' => 'Email Send Successfully', 'Something Went Wrong' => 'Something Went Wrong', 'Code is required' => 'Code is required', 'Code already exist' => 'Code already exist', 'Deleted Successfully' => 'Deleted Successfully', 'Your requested language does not exist' => 'Your requested language does not exist', 'Header is required' => 'Header is required', 'CEO name is required' => 'CEO name is required', 'CEO designation is required' => 'CEO designation is required', 'Google Map is required' => 'Google Map is required', 'Page name is required' => 'Page name is required', 'Page name already exist' => 'Page name already exist', 'Question is required' => 'Question is required', 'Answer is required' => 'Answer is required', 'Privacy policy is required' => 'Privacy policy is required', 'Terms and condition is required' => 'Terms and condition is required', 'Logo is required' => 'Logo is required', 'InActive Successfully' => 'InActive Successfully', 'Header is is required' => 'Header is is required', 'Designation is required' => 'Designation is required', 'Comment is required' => 'Comment is required', 'Item is required' => 'Item is required', 'Icon is required' => 'Icon is required', 'You can not delete this category, multiple service available under this category' => 'You can not delete this category, multiple service available under this category', 'All Service' => 'All Service', 'Awaiting for approval' => 'Awaiting for approval', 'Active service' => 'Active service', 'Banned service' => 'Banned service', 'Influencer is required' => 'Influencer is required', 'Price is required' => 'Price is required', 'You can not delete it, there are mulitple booking available on this service' => 'You can not delete it, there are mulitple booking available on this service', 'Email already exist' => 'Email already exist', 'Password is required' => 'Password is required', 'Password Must be 4 characters' => 'Password Must be 4 characters', 'Create Successfully' => 'Create Successfully', 'Login Successfully' => 'Login Successfully', 'Invalid Password' => 'Invalid Password', 'Inactive account' => 'Inactive account', 'Invalid Email' => 'Invalid Email', 'Logout Successfully' => 'Logout Successfully', 'Coupon code is required' => 'Coupon code is required', 'Coupon already exist' => 'Coupon already exist', 'Offer percentage is required' => 'Offer percentage is required', 'Expired date is required' => 'Expired date is required', 'All Bookings' => 'All Bookings', 'Awaiting for influencer approval' => 'Awaiting for influencer approval', 'Active Booking' => 'Active Booking', 'Complete Booking' => 'Complete Booking', 'Mark as a completed successfully' => 'Mark as a completed successfully', 'Mark as a declined successfully' => 'Mark as a declined successfully', 'Approved Successfully' => 'Approved Successfully', 'Request approved Successfully' => 'Request approved Successfully', 'Declined Successfully' => 'Declined Successfully', 'Delete successfully' => 'Delete successfully', 'Current password is required' => 'Current password is required', 'Confirm password does not match' => 'Confirm password does not match', 'Password must be at least 4 characters' => 'يجب أن تحتوي كلمة المرور على 4 أحرف على الأقل', 'Password updated successfully' => 'Password updated successfully', 'Current password does not match' => 'Current password does not match', 'Closed Successfully' => 'Closed Successfully', 'Ticket is required' => 'Ticket is required', 'User is required' => 'User is required', 'Message Send Successfully' => 'Message Send Successfully', 'Influencer List' => 'Influencer List', 'Pending Influencer' => 'Pending Influencer', 'Country or region is required' => 'Country or region is required', 'Desgination is required' => 'Desgination is required', 'About is required' => 'About is required', 'Skill is required' => 'Skill is required', 'Follower is required' => 'Follower is required', 'Following is required' => 'Following is required', 'You can not delete it, there are multiple service available under this influencer' => 'لا يمكنك حذفها، هناك العديد من الخدمات المتاحة تحت هذا النشط', 'You can not delete it, there are multiple booking available under this influencer' => 'لا يمكنك حذفها، هناك العديد من الحجوزات المتاحة تحت هذا النشط', 'Client List' => 'Client List', 'Pending Client' => 'Pending Client', 'Min amount is required' => 'Min amount is required', 'Max amount is required' => 'Max amount is required', 'Charge is required' => 'Charge is required', 'Withdraw request approval successfully' => 'Withdraw request approval successfully', 'Please verify your email' => 'Please verify your email', 'Invalid token, please try again' => 'Invalid token, please try again', 'Password must be 4 characters' => 'Password must be 4 characters', 'Password Reset successfully' => 'Password Reset successfully', 'A password reset link has been send to your mail' => 'A password reset link has been send to your mail', 'Email does not exist' => 'Email does not exist', 'You have to provide minimum 4 character password' => 'You have to provide minimum 4 character password', 'A verification link has been sent to your mail, please verify and enjoy our service' => 'تم إرسال رابط التحقق إلى بريدك الإلكتروني، يرجى التحقق والاستمتاع بخدمتنا', 'Country is required' => 'Country is required', 'Email already verified' => 'Email already verified', 'Verification Successfully' => 'Verification Successfully', 'Invalid token' => 'Invalid token', 'Your message has send successfully' => 'Your message has send successfully', 'Blog comment has submitted' => 'تم تقديم تعليق المدونة', 'Language switched successfully' => 'Language switched successfully', 'Day is required' => 'Day is required', 'Start time is required' => 'Start time is required', 'End time is required' => 'End time is required', 'You cannot delete this item, there are multiple bookings existing under this schedule' => 'لا يمكنك حذف هذا العنصر، هناك حجوزات متعددة موجودة تحت هذا الجدول الزمني', 'Awaiting Bookings' => 'Awaiting Bookings', 'Active Bookings' => 'Active Bookings', 'Complete Bookings' => 'Complete Bookings', 'Declined Bookings' => 'Declined Bookings', 'Reason is required' => 'السبب مطلوب', 'Request Sent Successfully' => 'تم إرسال الطلب بنجاح', 'Complete Request' => 'Complete Request', 'Password minimum 4 characters' => 'كلمة المرور يجب أن تتألف على الأقل من 4 أحرف', 'Password change successfully' => 'Password change successfully', 'Awaiting for Approval' => 'Awaiting for Approval', 'Active Service' => 'Active Service', 'Banned Service' => 'Banned Service', 'Payment Method filed is required' => 'Payment Method filed is required', 'Withdraw amount filed is required' => 'Withdraw amount filed is required', 'Please provide a valid numeric number' => 'الرجاء تقديم رقم عددي صالح', 'Account filed is required' => 'Account filed is required', 'Sorry! Your Payment request is more than your current balance' => 'عذرًا! طلب الدفع الخاص بك أكبر من رصيدك الحالي', 'Withdraw request sent successfully, please wait for admin approval' => 'تم إرسال طلب السحب بنجاح، الرجاء الانتظار لموافقة المشرف', 'Your amount range is not available' => 'Your amount range is not available', 'Select' => 'Select', 'Schedule date is required' => 'Schedule date is required', 'Schedule slot is required' => 'Schedule slot is required', 'Something went wrong, please try again' => 'Something went wrong, please try again', 'Coupon is required' => 'Coupon is required', 'Invalid coupon' => 'Invalid coupon', 'Coupon already expired' => 'Coupon already expired', 'You cannot apply another provider coupon' => 'لا يمكنك تطبيق كوبون مزود آخر', 'Coupon applied successfully' => 'تم تطبيق الكوبون بنجاح', 'Transaction is required' => 'Transaction is required', 'Your order has been placed. please wait for admin payment approval' => 'Your order has been placed. please wait for admin payment approval', 'Your order has been placed. Thanks for your new order' => 'Your order has been placed. Thanks for your new order', 'Payment Failed' => 'فشل الدفع', 'This Is Demo Version. You Cannot Change Anything' => 'هذه هي النسخة التجريبية. لا يمكنك تغيير أي شيء', 'Your profile updated successfully' => 'Your profile updated successfully', 'Image updated successfully' => 'Image updated successfully', 'Order id is required' => 'Order id is required', 'Refund request successfully' => 'Refund request successfully', 'Item added to favourite list' => 'Item added to favourite list', 'Already added to favourite list' => 'Already added to favourite list', 'Item removed from favourite list' => 'تمت إزالة العنصر من قائمة المفضلة', 'Rating is required' => 'Rating is required', 'Review is required' => 'Review is required', 'Review submitted successfully' => 'تمت مراجعة المنتج بنجاح', 'Oops! You cannot review this service' => 'عذرًا! لا يمكنك مراجعة هذه الخدمة', 'Ticket created successfully' => 'Ticket created successfully', 'Message sent successfully' => 'تم إرسال الرسالة بنجاح', 'Please login as a client first' => 'الرجاء تسجيل الدخول كعميل أولاً', 'Please login as an influencer first' => 'الرجاء تسجيل الدخول كمؤثر أولاً', 'Authentication failed' => 'فشل التوثيق', 'SEO title is required' => 'SEO title is required', 'SEO description is required' => 'SEO description is required', 'Currency switched successfully' => 'Currency switched successfully', 'Enrolled Successfully' => 'Enrolled Successfully', 'You have already enrolled trail version' => 'You have already enrolled trail version', 'Client id is required' => 'Client id is required', 'Secret id is required' => 'Secret id is required', 'Data Save successfully' => 'Data Save successfully', 'Publishable key is required' => 'Publishable key is required', 'Key is required' => 'Key is required', 'Bank instruction is required' => 'Bank instruction is required', 'At a time, you should not buy products from multiple authors.' => 'At a time, you should not buy products from multiple authors.', 'Not Found any Subscription Plan' => 'Not Found any Subscription Plan', 'Pls Upgrade your Subscription Plan' => 'Pls Upgrade your Subscription Plan', 'This Product dosen\'t have any variant' => 'This Product dosen\'t have any variant', 'You Cant Message Own Product' => 'You Can\'t Message Own Product', 'You can not delete this category, multiple blog available under this category' => 'You can not delete this category, multiple blog available under this category', 'Password must be at leat 4 characters' => 'Password must be at leat 4 characters', 'You can not delete it, there are mulitple service available under this influencer' => 'You can not delete it, there are mulitple service available under this influencer', 'You can not delete it, there are mulitple booking available under this influencer' => 'You can not delete it, there are mulitple booking available under this influencer', 'A varification link has been send to your mail, please verify and enjoy our service' => 'A varification link has been send to your mail, please verify and enjoy our service', 'Blog comment has submited' => 'Blog comment has submited', 'You can not delete this item, there are multiple booking exist under this schedule' => 'You can not delete this item, there are multiple booking exist under this schedule', 'Resone is required' => 'Resone is required', 'Request Send Successfully' => 'Request Send Successfully', 'Password minimum 4 character' => 'Password minimum 4 character', 'Please provide valid numeric number' => 'Please provide valid numeric number', 'Sorry! Your Payment request is more then your current balance' => 'Sorry! Your Payment request is more then your current balance', 'Withdraw request send successfully, please wait for admin approval' => 'Withdraw request send successfully, please wait for admin approval', 'You can not apply another provider coupon' => 'You can not apply another provider coupon', 'Coupon applied successful' => 'Coupon applied successful', 'Payment Faild' => 'Payment Faild', 'This Is Demo Version. You Can Not Change Anything' => 'This Is Demo Version. You Can Not Change Anything', 'Reasone is required' => 'Reasone is required', 'Item remove to favourite list' => 'Item remove to favourite list', 'Review Submited successfully' => 'Review Submited successfully', 'Opps! You can not review this service' => 'Opps! You can not review this service', 'Message send successfully' => 'Message send successfully', 'Please at first login as a client' => 'Please at first login as a client', 'Please at first login as an influencer' => 'Please at first login as an influencer', 'auth.failed' => 'auth.failed', 'Currency is required' => 'Currency is required', 'Webhook is required' => 'Webhook is required', 'API key is required' => 'API key is required', 'Access token is required' => 'Access token is required', 'Amount cannot be less than 100₱' => 'Amount cannot be less than 100₱', 'Card is required' => 'Card is required', 'CVC is required' => 'CVC is required', 'Month is required' => 'Month is required', 'Year is required' => 'Year is required', 'Information Submited Successfully. Pls Wait for Conformation' => 'Information Submited Successfully. Pls Wait for Conformation', 'Type of is required' => 'Type of is required', 'User Id is required' => 'User Id is required', 'File is required' => 'File is required', 'Your Account Is Verified By KYC' => 'Your Account Is Verified By KYC', 'KYC Verifaction' => 'KYC Verifaction', );