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package OSDetect; # cpanel - installd/ Copyright 2021 cPanel, L.L.C. # All rights reserved. # # This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited use strict; use warnings; ## NOTE: This code has been copied from Cpanel/OS/ with minor modifications. =encoding utf-8 =head1 NAME Cpanel::OS::SysPerlBootstrap - SysPerlBootstrap logic used by Cpanel::OS =head1 DO NOT USE THIS MODULE DIRECTLY This code is intended to be system and cpanel perl compatible and to be consumed only in very specific circumstances. Instead use L<Cpanel::OS> directly, and as its POD outlines, do not do logic on the OS info to determine what it is you need. =head1 FUNCTIONS =head2 get_os_info ($iknowwhatimdoing) Please use Cpanel::OS for your OS info needs. This is an internal helper to Cpanel::OS to get the - distro - major - minor - build id =cut sub get_os_info { my @os_info = _read_os_info_cache(); return @os_info if @os_info; if ( -e '/etc/redhat-release' ) { @os_info = _read_redhat_release(); } elsif ( -e '/etc/os-release' ) { # Only Ubuntu doesn't provide redhat-release @os_info = _read_os_release(); } my ( $distro, $major, $minor, $build ) = @os_info; if ( !defined $distro || !length $distro || !defined $major || !length $major || !defined $minor || !length $minor || !defined $build || !length $build ) { die sprintf( "Could not determine OS info (distro: %s, major: %s, minor: %s, build: %s)\n", $distro // '', $major // '', $minor // '', $build // '' ); } return ( $^O, $distro, $major, $minor, $build ); } =head2 _read_os_info_cache() Read the previous cached values from /var/cpanel/caches/Cpanel-OS =cut sub _read_os_info_cache { my $cpanel_os_cache_file = "/var/cpanel/caches/Cpanel-OS"; # If we've cached the information, just use it. my $cache_mtime = ( lstat $cpanel_os_cache_file )[9] or return; my $custom_os = readlink "$cpanel_os_cache_file.custom"; # Do we need to cache bust? if ( !$custom_os ) { my $os_rel_mtime = ( stat("/etc/os-release") )[9]; $os_rel_mtime //= ( stat("/etc/redhat-release") )[9]; # in the case of cloudlinux 6, we check against this instead # Bail out only if one of the release files is present since the cache file is suddenly our only valid source of truth. return if ( defined($os_rel_mtime) && $cache_mtime <= $os_rel_mtime ); } return split /\|/, readlink($cpanel_os_cache_file); } =head2 _read_os_release() Internal helper to read /etc/os-release =cut sub _read_os_release { open( my $os_fh, "<", "/etc/os-release" ) or die "Could not open /etc/os-release for reading: $!\n"; my ( $distro, $ver, $ver_id ); while ( my $line = <$os_fh> ) { my ( $key, $value ) = split( qr/\s*=\s*/, $line, 2 ); chomp $value; $value =~ s/\s.+//; $value =~ s/"\z//; $value =~ s/^"//; if ( !$distro && $key eq "ID" ) { $distro = $value; } elsif ( !$ver_id && $key eq "VERSION_ID" ) { $ver_id = $value; } elsif ( !$ver && $key eq "VERSION" ) { $ver = $value; } last if length $distro && length $ver && length $ver_id; } close $os_fh; # ver_id is often enough. my ( $major, $minor, $build ) = split( qr/\./, $ver_id ); return unless $distro; # We have to at a minimum have a distro name. All hope is lost otherwise. unless ( length $major && length $minor && length $build ) { my ( $ver_major, $ver_minor, $ver_build ) = split( qr/\./, $ver ); $major //= $ver_major; $minor //= ( $ver_minor // 0 ); $build //= ( $ver_build // 0 ); } return ( $distro, $major, $minor, $build ); } =head2 _read_redhat_release() Internal helper to read /etc/redhat-release =cut sub _read_redhat_release { open( my $cr_fh, "<", "/etc/redhat-release" ) or die "Could not open /etc/redhat-release for reading: $!\n"; my $line = <$cr_fh>; chomp $line; my ($distro) = $line =~ m/^(\w+)/i; $distro = lc($distro); $distro = 'rhel' if $distro eq 'red'; my ( $major, $minor, $build ) = $line =~ m{\b([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)}; if ( !$major ) { ( $major, $minor ) = $line =~ m{\b([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)}; } if ( !$major ) { ($major) = $line =~ m{\b([0-9]+)}; } $minor //= 0; $build //= 0; return ( $distro, $major, $minor, $build ); } 1;