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package InstallerUbuntu; # cpanel - installd/ Copyright 2021 cPanel, L.L.C. # All rights reserved. # # This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited use strict; use warnings; use CpanelLogger; use Installer (); our @ISA = qw/Installer/; sub distro_type { return 'debian' } sub check_system_support { my ($self) = @_; $self->SUPER::check_system_support; my $distro_name = $self->distro_name; my $distro_major = $self->distro_major; if ( $distro_name eq 'ubuntu' ) { ( grep { $distro_major == $_ } qw/20/ ) or $self->invalid_system("cPanel, L.L.C. does not support Ubuntu version $distro_major."); } else { return $self->invalid_system("cPanel, L.L.C. does not support $distro_major for new installations."); } return; } sub check_networking_scripts { # We don't do this check on ubuntu?? return; } sub check_system_files { my ($self) = @_; $self->SUPER::check_system_files; # Unset the kernel flag that prevents even root from accessing other users files in /tmp Common::ssystem( "sysctl", "fs.protected_regular=0" ); # Then configure this to be the default upon reboot my $prot_file = '/usr/lib/sysctl.d/protect-links.conf'; my @orig_prot_file_contents; if ( -f $prot_file ) { open( my $prot_rd_fh, '<', $prot_file ); while (<$prot_rd_fh>) { push( @orig_prot_file_contents, $_ ); } close($prot_rd_fh); open( my $prot_wr_fh, '>', $prot_file ); foreach my $line (@orig_prot_file_contents) { if ( $line =~ m/fs\.protected_regular/ ) { print $prot_wr_fh "fs.protected_regular = 0\n"; } else { print $prot_wr_fh "$line"; } } close($prot_wr_fh); } verify_usrmerge_is_installed(); # Configure alternate temp dir for debconf since /tmp is often mounted noexec mkdir '/root/tmp'; open( my $debconf_fh, '>>', '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50extracttemplates' ); print $debconf_fh "APT\n{\n ExtractTemplates\n\t\{\n\t\tTempDir /root/tmp;\n\t};\n};\n"; close($debconf_fh); my $out = `/usr/bin/dpkg -s libc6 2>&1`; ## no critic(ProhibitQxAndBackticks) if ( $out !~ m/Installed\-Size:\s/ ) { ERROR( q{Your operating system's package update method } . qq{(apt) could not locate the libc6 package. } . q{This is an indication of an improper setup. } . q{You must correct this error before you proceed. } ); DEBUG($out); FATAL("\n\n"); } # This package is needed for File::FcntlLock, used by installd/apt-get-wait $self->apt_nohang_ssystem( '/usr/bin/apt-get', 'install', '-y', 'libfile-fcntllock-perl' ); return; } # This system clobbers resolv.conf even if you update it manually. sub setup_and_check_resolv_conf { my ($self) = @_; print "Disabling systemd-resolved if it is enabled..."; my $needs_action = `systemctl list-unit-files | grep systemd-resolved`; Common::ssystem(qw{systemctl disable --now systemd-resolved}) if $needs_action; # Remove the symlink and put a viable one in place if ( -l '/etc/resolv.conf' ) { unlink '/etc/resolv.conf'; if ( open( my $fh, '>', '/etc/resolv.conf' ) ) { print $fh "nameserver\nnameserver\n"; close($fh); } else { WARN( 'Could not create new /etc/resolv.conf : ' . $! ); } } return $self->SUPER::setup_and_check_resolv_conf; } sub install_basic_precursor_packages { my ($self) = @_; INFO("Installing packages needed to download and run the cPanel initial install."); # Assure wget/bzip2/gpg are installed for centhat. These packages are needed prior to sysup my @packages_to_install = qw/wget bzip2 gpg-agent xz-utils nscd psmisc python3 rdate cron sysstat net-tools debconf-utils libnet-ssleay-perl/; $self->apt_nohang_ssystem( './apt-get-wait', '-y', 'install', @packages_to_install ); return; } # we need to call update first to ensure we have a full package list, otherwise it won't be able to find packages for install sub update_apt { my ($self) = @_; return unless $self->{'update_apt'}++ == 0; # Run once. $self->apt_nohang_ssystem( '/usr/bin/apt-get', 'update' ); return; } sub apt_nohang_ssystem { my ( $self, @cmd ) = @_; $self->update_apt; #circular but it's ok because we bumped $update_apt already. my $failcount = 0; my $result = 1; while ($result) { # While apt is failing. $result = Common::ssystem(@cmd); last if ( !$result ); # apt came back clean. Stop re-trying $failcount++; if ( $failcount > 5 ) { FATAL("apt failed $failcount times. The installation process cannot continue."); } } return; } sub remove_distro_software { my ($self) = @_; my @remove_pkgs = qw( apache2-utils dovecot-core dovecot-imapd dovecot-lmtpd dovecot-pop3d exim4 mysql-server mysql-server-8.0 mysql-server-core-8.0 mysql-common libmysqlclient21 mysql-client mysql-client-8.0 mysql-client-core-8.0 portreserve postfix sendmail spamassassin libapache2-mod-perl2 mariadb-client mariadb-client-10.3 mariadb-client-core-10.3 mariadb-common mariadb-plugin-connect mariadb-server mariadb-server-10.3 mariadb-server-core-10.3 mariadb-test mycli pure-ftpd proftpd-basic ); INFO('Ensuring that conflicting services are not installed...'); Common::ssystem( '/usr/bin/dpkg', '-r', '--force-depends', @remove_pkgs, { ignore_errors => 1 } ); return; } # MySQL version 8.0 is the only MySQL supported in Ubuntu at this time. This class hard codes much of what Rhel tries to advise on. sub verify_mysql_version { my ( $self, $cpanel_config ) = @_; my $mysql_version = $cpanel_config->{'mysql-version'}; return unless length $mysql_version; # The only supported installable versions are: # 5.7, 8.0, 10.2, 10.3, 10.5 10.6 # The following will recommend a specific version in error output: # 5.5, 5.6, 10.0, 10.1 my $supported_versions = qr{^(?: | 8(?:\.0)? )$}x; unless ( $mysql_version =~ m/$supported_versions/ ) { FATAL('The mysql-version value in /var/cpanel/cpanel.config is either invalid or references an unsupported MySQL/MariaDB version for Ubuntu.'); } return; } # These packages are needed for MySQL later in the install # By downloading them now we do not have to wait for them later sub background_download_packages_used_during_initial_install { my ($self) = @_; my @sysup_packages_to_install = qw{quota expat libexpat1-dev}; my @ea4_packages_to_install = qw{elinks libssh2-1 libssh2-1-dev libvpx6 libvpx-dev libwww-perl libkrb5-dev libcompress-raw-bzip2-perl libcompress-raw-zlib-perl autoconf automake}; my @mysql_support_packages_to_install = qw{libnuma1 grep libuser coreutils libdbi-perl}; my @packages_to_install = ( @mysql_support_packages_to_install, @sysup_packages_to_install, @ea4_packages_to_install ); return $self->run_in_background( sub { $self->apt_nohang_ssystem( './apt-get-wait', '--download-only', '-y', 'install', @packages_to_install ); } ); } sub verify_usrmerge_is_installed { my $required_symlinks = { '/bin' => 'usr/bin', '/sbin' => 'usr/sbin', '/lib' => 'usr/lib', }; foreach my $link ( keys %{$required_symlinks} ) { my $target = readlink $link; if ( !length $target || $target ne $required_symlinks->{$link} ) { my $errmsg = "You can only install cPanel & WHM on a fresh installation of Ubuntu 20.04 or higher."; FATAL($errmsg); } } return; } 1;