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package CpanelGPG; # cpanel - installd/ Copyright 2021 cPanel, L.L.C. # All rights reserved. # # This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited use strict; use warnings; use Common (); # fetch_url_to_file use CpanelConfig (); # read_config use CpanelLogger; use constant GPG_HOMEDIR => '/var/cpanel/.gpgtmpdir'; use constant PUBLIC_KEYS => { 'release' => 'cPanelPublicKey.asc', 'development' => 'cPanelDevelopmentKey.asc', }; use constant GPG_KEYRINGS => { 'release' => ['release'], 'development' => [ 'release', 'development' ], }; use constant SECURE_DOWNLOADS => ''; sub _create_gpg_homedir { mkdir( GPG_HOMEDIR, 0700 ) if !-e GPG_HOMEDIR; return; } my $gpg_bin; sub gpg_bin { return $gpg_bin if $gpg_bin; for my $bin (qw(/usr/bin/gpg /bin/gpg /usr/local/bin/gpg)) { next if ( !-e $bin ); next if ( !-x _ ); next if ( -z _ ); return $gpg_bin = $bin; } FATAL("The installation process could not find the gpg binary. Install it to a standard location."); return; } sub cleanup_gpg_homedir { if ( -d GPG_HOMEDIR ) { opendir( my $dh, GPG_HOMEDIR ); my @files = readdir($dh); closedir($dh); @files = map { GPG_HOMEDIR . "/" . $_ } grep { !/^\.{1,2}/ } @files; unlink($_) for @files; rmdir(GPG_HOMEDIR); } return; } sub keys_to_download { my $config = CpanelConfig::read_config('/var/cpanel/cpanel.config'); my $keyrings = GPG_KEYRINGS; if ( !defined $config->{'signature_validation'} ) { my $mirror = CpanelConfig::get_update_source(); if ( $mirror =~ /^(?:.*\.dev|qa-build|next)\.cpanel\.net$/ ) { return $keyrings->{'development'}; } else { return $keyrings->{'release'}; } } elsif ( $config->{'signature_validation'} =~ /^Release and (?:Development|Test) Keyrings$/ ) { return $keyrings->{'development'}; } else { return $keyrings->{'release'}; } } my $gpg_is_setup; sub fetch_gpg_key_once { return if $gpg_is_setup; my $pub_keys = PUBLIC_KEYS; _create_gpg_homedir(); foreach my $key ( sort @{ keys_to_download() } ) { INFO("Downloading GPG public key, $pub_keys->{$key}"); my $target = SECURE_DOWNLOADS . $pub_keys->{$key}; my $dest = GPG_HOMEDIR . "/" . $pub_keys->{$key}; Common::fetch_url_to_file( $target, $dest ); if ( !-e $dest ) { FATAL("Could not download GPG public key at '$target'."); return; } INFO("Importing downloaded GPG public key from '$dest'."); if ( -x '/bin/apt-key' ) { INFO("Adding $dest via apt-key"); Common::ssystem( '/bin/apt-key', 'add', $dest ); } my $gpg_cmd = gpg_bin() . " -q --homedir " . GPG_HOMEDIR . " --import " . $dest; my $output = `$gpg_cmd 2>&1`; ## no critic(ProhibitQxAndBackticks) if ( $? != 0 ) { WARN("Failed to import GPG public key from '$dest': $output"); } } $ENV{'CPANEL_BASE_INSTALL_GPG_KEYS_IMPORTED'} = 1; # in v82+ fix-cpanel-perl will skip gpg keyimport if set $gpg_is_setup = 1; return; } sub verify_file { my ( $file, $sig, $url ) = @_; fetch_gpg_key_once(); my @gpg_args = ( '--logger-fd', '1', '--status-fd', '1', '--homedir', GPG_HOMEDIR, '--verify', $sig, $file, ); # Verify the validity of the GPG signature. # Information on these return values can be found in 'doc/DETAILS' in the GnuPG source. my ( %notes, $curnote ); my ( $gpg_out, $success, $error_status ); my $gpg_pid = IPC::Open3::open3( undef, $gpg_out, undef, gpg_bin(), @gpg_args ); while ( my $line = readline($gpg_out) ) { if ( $line =~ /^\[GNUPG:\] VALIDSIG ([A-F0-9]+) ([0-9]+-[0-9]+-[0-9]+) ([0-9]+) ([A-F0-9]+) ([A-F0-9]+) ([A-F0-9]+) ([A-F0-9]+) ([A-F0-9]+) ([A-F0-9]+) ([A-F0-9]+)$/ ) { $success = 1; } elsif ( $line =~ /^\[GNUPG:\] NOTATION_NAME (.+)$/ ) { $curnote = $1; $notes{$curnote} = ''; $error_status = 'Probably invalid notation name'; } elsif ( $line =~ /^\[GNUPG:\] NOTATION_DATA (.+)$/ ) { $notes{$curnote} .= $1; $error_status = 'Probably invalid notation data'; } elsif ( $line =~ /^\[GNUPG:\] BADSIG ([A-F0-9]+) (.+)$/ ) { $error_status = "Invalid signature for $file"; } elsif ( $line =~ /^\[GNUPG:\] NO_PUBKEY ([A-F0-9]+)$/ ) { $error_status = "Could not find public key ($1) in keychain"; } elsif ( $line =~ /^\[GNUPG:\] NODATA ([A-F0-9]+)$/ ) { $error_status = "Could not find a GnuPG signature in the signature file"; } } waitpid( $gpg_pid, 0 ); $error_status ||= "Unknown error from gpg"; my $finalize_output = sub { return "$_[0] (file:$file, sig:$sig)" }; if ($success) { INFO( $finalize_output->("Valid signature for $file") ); } else { FATAL( $finalize_output->($error_status) ); } # At this point, the signature should be valid. # We now need to check to see if the filename signature notation is correct. $url =~ s/\.bz2$//; if ( defined( $notes{''} ) ) { my $file_note = $notes{''}; if ( $file_note ne $url ) { FATAL( $finalize_output->("Filename notation ($file_note) does not match URL ($url)") ); } } else { FATAL( $finalize_output->("Signature does not contain the expected filename notation") ); } return; } 1;