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<?php namespace App\Models; class Users_model extends Crud_model { protected $table = null; function __construct() { $this->table = 'users'; parent::__construct($this->table); } function authenticate($email, $password) { $email = $this->_get_clean_value(array("email" => $email), "email"); $this->db_builder->select("id,user_type,client_id,password"); $result = $this->db_builder->getWhere(array('email' => $email, 'status' => 'active', 'deleted' => 0, 'disable_login' => 0)); $result_count = count($result->getResult()); if (!$result_count) { return false; } if ($result_count === 1) { $user_info = $result->getRow(); return $this->verify_password($user_info, $password); } else { //same email on multiple client contacts //check with the password foreach ($result->getResult() as $user_info) { if ($this->verify_password($user_info, $password)) { return true; } } } } private function verify_password($user_info, $password) { //there has two password encryption method for legacy (md5) compatibility //check if anyone of them is correct if ($user_info->password && (strlen($user_info->password) === 60 && password_verify($password, $user_info->password)) || $user_info->password === md5($password)) { if ($this->_client_can_login($user_info) !== false) { $session = \Config\Services::session(); $session->set('user_id', $user_info->id); try { app_hooks()->do_action('app_hook_after_signin'); } catch (\Exception $ex) { log_message('error', '[ERROR] {exception}', ['exception' => $ex]); } return true; } } } private function _client_can_login($user_info) { //check client login settings if ($user_info->user_type === "client" && get_setting("disable_client_login")) { return false; } else if ($user_info->user_type === "client") { //user can't be loged in if client has deleted $clients_table = $this->db->prefixTable('clients'); $sql = "SELECT $ FROM $clients_table WHERE $ = $user_info->client_id AND $clients_table.deleted=0"; $client_result = $this->db->query($sql); if ($client_result->resultID->num_rows !== 1) { return false; } } } function login_user_id() { $session = \Config\Services::session(); return $session->has("user_id") ? $session->get("user_id") : ""; } function sign_out() { try { app_hooks()->do_action('app_hook_before_signout'); } catch (\Exception $ex) { log_message('error', '[ERROR] {exception}', ['exception' => $ex]); } $session = \Config\Services::session(); $session->destroy(); app_redirect('signin'); } function get_details($options = array()) { $users_table = $this->db->prefixTable('users'); $team_member_job_info_table = $this->db->prefixTable('team_member_job_info'); $clients_table = $this->db->prefixTable('clients'); $roles_table = $this->db->prefixTable('roles'); $where = ""; $id = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "id"); $status = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "status"); $user_type = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "user_type"); $client_id = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "client_id"); $exclude_user_id = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "exclude_user_id"); $first_name = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "first_name"); $last_name = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "last_name"); if ($id) { $where .= " AND $$id"; } if ($status === "active") { $where .= " AND $users_table.status='active'"; } else if ($status === "inactive") { $where .= " AND $users_table.status='inactive'"; } if ($user_type) { $where .= " AND $users_table.user_type='$user_type'"; } if ($user_type == 'client') { $where .= " AND $clients_table.deleted=0"; } if ($first_name) { $where .= " AND $users_table.first_name='$first_name'"; } if ($last_name) { $where .= " AND $users_table.last_name='$last_name'"; } if ($client_id) { $where .= " AND $users_table.client_id=$client_id"; } if ($exclude_user_id) { $where .= " AND $!=$exclude_user_id"; } $non_admin_users_only = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "non_admin_users_only"); if ($non_admin_users_only) { $where .= " AND $users_table.is_admin=0"; } $show_own_clients_only_user_id = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "show_own_clients_only_user_id"); if ($user_type == "client" && $show_own_clients_only_user_id) { $where .= " AND $users_table.client_id IN(SELECT $ FROM $clients_table WHERE $clients_table.deleted=0 AND $clients_table.created_by=$show_own_clients_only_user_id)"; } $quick_filter = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "quick_filter"); if ($quick_filter) { $where .= $this->make_quick_filter_query($quick_filter, $users_table); } $client_groups = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "client_groups"); if ($client_groups) { $client_groups_where = $this->prepare_allowed_client_groups_query($clients_table, $client_groups); if ($client_groups_where) { $where .= " AND $users_table.client_id IN(SELECT $ FROM $clients_table WHERE $clients_table.deleted=0 $client_groups_where)"; } } $custom_field_type = "team_members"; if ($user_type === "client") { $custom_field_type = "client_contacts"; } else if ($user_type === "lead") { $custom_field_type = "lead_contacts"; } $limit_offset = ""; $limit = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "limit"); if ($limit) { $skip = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "skip"); $offset = $skip ? $skip : 0; $limit_offset = " LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset "; } $available_order_by_list = array( "first_name" => $users_table . ".first_name", "company_name" => $clients_table . ".company_name", "job_title" => $users_table . ".job_title", "email" => $users_table . ".email", "phone" => $users_table . ".phone", "skype" => $users_table . ".skype", ); $order_by = get_array_value($available_order_by_list, $this->_get_clean_value($options, "order_by")); $order = "ORDER BY $users_table.first_name"; if ($order_by) { $order_dir = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "order_dir"); $order = " ORDER BY $order_by $order_dir "; } $search_by = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "search_by"); if ($search_by) { $search_by = $this->db->escapeLikeString($search_by); $where .= " AND ("; $where .= " $users_table.job_title LIKE '%$search_by%' ESCAPE '!' "; $where .= " OR $ LIKE '%$search_by%' ESCAPE '!' "; $where .= " OR $ LIKE '%$search_by%' ESCAPE '!' "; $where .= " OR $ LIKE '%$search_by%' ESCAPE '!' "; $where .= " OR $clients_table.company_name LIKE '%$search_by%' ESCAPE '!' "; $where .= " OR CONCAT($users_table.first_name, ' ', $users_table.last_name) LIKE '%$search_by%' ESCAPE '!' "; $where .= $this->get_custom_field_search_query($users_table, "client_contacts", $search_by); $where .= " )"; } //prepare custom fild binding query $custom_fields = get_array_value($options, "custom_fields"); $custom_field_filter = get_array_value($options, "custom_field_filter"); $custom_field_query_info = $this->prepare_custom_field_query_string($custom_field_type, $custom_fields, $users_table, $custom_field_filter); $select_custom_fieds = get_array_value($custom_field_query_info, "select_string"); $join_custom_fieds = get_array_value($custom_field_query_info, "join_string"); $custom_fields_where = get_array_value($custom_field_query_info, "where_string"); //prepare full query string $sql = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS $users_table.*, $roles_table.title AS role_title, $team_member_job_info_table.date_of_hire, $team_member_job_info_table.salary, $team_member_job_info_table.salary_term $select_custom_fieds FROM $users_table LEFT JOIN $team_member_job_info_table ON $team_member_job_info_table.user_id=$ LEFT JOIN $clients_table ON $$users_table.client_id LEFT JOIN $roles_table ON $$users_table.role_id $join_custom_fieds WHERE $users_table.deleted=0 $where $custom_fields_where $order $limit_offset"; $raw_query = $this->db->query($sql); $total_rows = $this->db->query("SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as found_rows")->getRow(); if ($limit) { return array( "data" => $raw_query->getResult(), "recordsTotal" => $total_rows->found_rows, "recordsFiltered" => $total_rows->found_rows, ); } else { return $raw_query; } } function is_email_exists($email, $id = 0, $client_id = 0) { $users_table = $this->db->prefixTable('users'); $id = $this->_get_clean_value($id); $client_id = $this->_get_clean_value($client_id); $email = $this->_get_clean_value($email); $where = ""; if ($client_id) { $where .= " AND $users_table.client_id=$client_id "; } $sql = "SELECT $users_table.* FROM $users_table WHERE $users_table.deleted=0 AND $'$email' $where "; $result = $this->db->query($sql); if ($result->resultID->num_rows && $result->getRow()->id != $id) { return $result->getRow(); } else { return false; } } function get_job_info($user_id) { parent::use_table("team_member_job_info"); return parent::get_one_where(array("user_id" => $user_id)); } function save_job_info($data) { parent::use_table("team_member_job_info"); //check if job info already exists $where = array("user_id" => $this->_get_clean_value($data, "user_id")); $exists = parent::get_one_where($where); if ($exists->user_id) { //job info found. update the record return parent::update_where($data, $where); } else { //insert new one return parent::ci_save($data); } } function get_team_members($member_ids) { $member_ids = $this->_get_clean_value($member_ids); if (!$member_ids) { return null; } $users_table = $this->db->prefixTable('users'); $sql = "SELECT $users_table.* FROM $users_table WHERE $users_table.deleted=0 AND $users_table.user_type='staff' AND FIND_IN_SET($, '$member_ids') ORDER BY $users_table.first_name"; return $this->db->query($sql); } function get_access_info($user_id = 0) { $users_table = $this->db->prefixTable('users'); $roles_table = $this->db->prefixTable('roles'); $team_table = $this->db->prefixTable('team'); $user_id = $this->_get_clean_value($user_id); if (!$user_id) { $user_id = 0; } $sql = "SELECT $, $users_table.user_type, $users_table.is_admin, $users_table.role_id, $, $users_table.first_name, $users_table.last_name, $users_table.image, $users_table.message_checked_at, $users_table.notification_checked_at, $users_table.client_id, $users_table.enable_web_notification, $users_table.is_primary_contact, $users_table.sticky_note, $users_table.language, $users_table.client_permissions, $roles_table.title as role_title, $roles_table.permissions, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(id) team_ids FROM $team_table WHERE FIND_IN_SET('$user_id', `members`)) as team_ids FROM $users_table LEFT JOIN $roles_table ON $ = $users_table.role_id AND $roles_table.deleted = 0 WHERE $users_table.deleted=0 AND $$user_id"; return $this->db->query($sql)->getRow(); } /* return comma separated list of user names */ function user_group_names($user_ids = "") { $users_table = $this->db->prefixTable('users'); $user_ids = $this->_get_clean_value($user_ids); $sql = "SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(' ', $users_table.first_name, ' ', $users_table.last_name) AS user_group_name FROM $users_table WHERE FIND_IN_SET($, '$user_ids')"; return $this->db->query($sql)->getRow(); } /* return list of ids of the online users */ function get_online_user_ids() { $users_table = $this->db->prefixTable('users'); $now = get_current_utc_time(); $sql = "SELECT $ FROM $users_table WHERE TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, users.last_online, '$now')<=0"; return $this->db->query($sql)->getResult(); } function get_active_members_and_clients($options = array()) { $users_table = $this->db->prefixTable('users'); $clients_table = $this->db->prefixTable('clients'); $where = ""; $user_type = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "user_type"); if ($user_type) { $where .= " AND $users_table.user_type='$user_type'"; } $exclude_user_id = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "exclude_user_id"); if ($exclude_user_id) { $where .= " AND $!=$exclude_user_id"; } $show_own_clients_only_user_id = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "show_own_clients_only_user_id"); if ($user_type == "client" && $show_own_clients_only_user_id) { $where .= " AND $users_table.client_id IN(SELECT $ FROM $clients_table WHERE $clients_table.deleted=0 AND $clients_table.created_by=$show_own_clients_only_user_id)"; } $client_groups = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "client_groups"); if ($client_groups) { $client_groups_where = $this->prepare_allowed_client_groups_query($clients_table, $client_groups); if ($client_groups_where) { $where .= " AND $users_table.client_id IN(SELECT $ FROM $clients_table WHERE $clients_table.deleted=0 $client_groups_where)"; } } $sql = "SELECT CONCAT($users_table.first_name, ' ',$users_table.last_name) AS member_name, $users_table.last_online, $, $users_table.image, $users_table.job_title, $users_table.user_type, $clients_table.company_name FROM $users_table LEFT JOIN $clients_table ON $ = $users_table.client_id AND $clients_table.deleted=0 WHERE $users_table.deleted=0 AND $users_table.status='active' $where ORDER BY $users_table.last_online DESC"; return $this->db->query($sql); } function count_total_contacts($options = array()) { $users_table = $this->db->prefixTable('users'); $clients_table = $this->db->prefixTable('clients'); $where = ""; $show_own_clients_only_user_id = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "show_own_clients_only_user_id"); if ($show_own_clients_only_user_id) { $where .= " AND $users_table.client_id IN(SELECT $ FROM $clients_table WHERE $clients_table.deleted=0 AND $clients_table.created_by=$show_own_clients_only_user_id)"; } $last_online = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "last_online"); if ($last_online) { $where .= " AND DATE($users_table.last_online)>='$last_online'"; } $client_groups = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "client_groups"); if ($client_groups) { $client_groups_where = $this->prepare_allowed_client_groups_query($clients_table, $client_groups); if ($client_groups_where) { $where .= " AND $users_table.client_id IN(SELECT $ FROM $clients_table WHERE $clients_table.deleted=0 $client_groups_where)"; } } $sql = "SELECT COUNT($ AS total FROM $users_table WHERE $users_table.deleted=0 AND $users_table.user_type='client' $where"; return $this->db->query($sql)->getRow()->total; } private function make_quick_filter_query($filter, $users_table) { $query = ""; if ($filter == "logged_in_today" || $filter == "logged_in_seven_days") { $last_online = get_today_date(); if ($filter == "logged_in_seven_days") { $last_online = subtract_period_from_date(get_today_date(), 7, "days"); } $query = " AND $ IN(SELECT $ FROM $users_table WHERE $users_table.deleted=0 AND $users_table.user_type='client' AND DATE($users_table.last_online)>='$last_online') "; } return $query; } function get_user_from_full_name($user_full_name = "", $user_type = "") { $users_table = $this->db->prefixTable('users'); $user_full_name = $this->_get_clean_value($user_full_name); $where = ""; if ($user_type === "staff") { $where .= " AND $users_table.user_type='staff' "; } else if ($user_type === "client") { $where .= " AND $users_table.user_type='client' "; } $sql = "SELECT $ FROM $users_table WHERE $users_table.deleted=0 AND $users_table.status='active' AND CONCAT(TRIM($users_table.first_name), ' ', TRIM($users_table.last_name))='$user_full_name' $where LIMIT 1"; return $this->db->query($sql)->getRow(); } function get_other_clients_of_this_client_contact($email, $id) { $users_table = $this->db->prefixTable('users'); $clients_table = $this->db->prefixTable('clients'); $id = $this->_get_clean_value($id); $email = $this->_get_clean_value($email); $sql = "SELECT $ AS user_id, $clients_table.company_name FROM $users_table LEFT JOIN $clients_table ON $ = $users_table.client_id AND $clients_table.deleted=0 WHERE $users_table.deleted=0 AND $'$email' AND $users_table.status='active' AND $users_table.disable_login=0 AND $users_table.user_type='client' AND $!=$id "; return $this->db->query($sql); } function update_password($email, $password) { $users_table = $this->db->prefixTable('users'); $email = $this->_get_clean_value($email); $sql = "UPDATE $users_table SET $users_table.password='$password' WHERE $users_table.deleted=0 AND $'$email'; "; $this->db->query($sql); return true; } function count_total_users() { $users_table = $this->db->prefixTable('users'); $sql = "SELECT COUNT($ AS total FROM $users_table WHERE $users_table.deleted=0 AND $users_table.user_type='staff' AND $users_table.status='active'"; return $this->db->query($sql)->getRow()->total; } function get_team_members_id_and_name($options = array()) { $users_table = $this->db->prefixTable('users'); $where = ""; $exclude_admins = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "exclude_admins"); if ($exclude_admins) { $where .= " AND $users_table.is_admin!=1"; } $sql = "SELECT $, CONCAT($users_table.first_name, ' ',$users_table.last_name) AS user_name FROM $users_table WHERE $users_table.deleted=0 AND $users_table.user_type='staff' AND $users_table.status='active' $where"; return $this->db->query($sql); } }