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<?php namespace App\Models; class Tickets_model extends Crud_model { protected $table = null; function __construct() { $this->table = 'tickets'; parent::__construct($this->table); } function get_details($options = array()) { $tickets_table = $this->db->prefixTable('tickets'); $ticket_types_table = $this->db->prefixTable('ticket_types'); $clients_table = $this->db->prefixTable('clients'); $users_table = $this->db->prefixTable('users'); $project_table = $this->db->prefixTable("projects"); $task_table = $this->db->prefixTable("tasks"); $ticket_comments_table = $this->db->prefixTable('ticket_comments'); $where = ""; $id = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "id"); if ($id) { $where .= " AND $$id"; } $client_id = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "client_id"); if ($client_id) { $where .= " AND $tickets_table.client_id=$client_id"; } $project_id = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "project_id"); if ($project_id) { $where .= " AND $$project_id"; } $task_id = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "task_id"); if ($task_id) { $where .= " AND $$task_id"; } $status = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "status"); if ($status === "closed") { $where .= " AND $tickets_table.status='$status'"; } if ($status === "open") { $where .= " AND FIND_IN_SET($tickets_table.status, 'new,open,client_replied')"; } $statuses = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "statuses"); if ($statuses) { $where .= " AND FIND_IN_SET($tickets_table.status, '$statuses')"; } $ticket_label = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "ticket_label"); if ($ticket_label) { $where .= " AND (FIND_IN_SET('$ticket_label', $tickets_table.labels)) "; } $assigned_to = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "assigned_to"); if ($assigned_to) { $where .= " AND $tickets_table.assigned_to=$assigned_to"; } $show_assigned_tickets_only_user_id = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "show_assigned_tickets_only_user_id"); if ($show_assigned_tickets_only_user_id) { $where .= " AND $tickets_table.assigned_to=$show_assigned_tickets_only_user_id"; } $ticket_types = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "ticket_types"); if ($ticket_types && count($ticket_types)) { $ticket_types = implode(",", $ticket_types); //prepare comma separated value $where .= " AND FIND_IN_SET($, '$ticket_types')"; } $ticket_type_id = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "ticket_type_id"); if ($ticket_type_id) { $where .= " AND $tickets_table.ticket_type_id=$ticket_type_id"; } $created_at = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "created_at"); if ($created_at) { $where .= " AND ($tickets_table.created_at IS NOT NULL AND $tickets_table.created_at>='$created_at')"; } $exclude_ticket_id = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "exclude_ticket_id"); if ($exclude_ticket_id) { $where .= " AND $ NOT IN($exclude_ticket_id)"; } $creator_email = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "creator_email"); if ($creator_email) { $where .= " AND $tickets_table.creator_email='$creator_email'"; } $select_labels_data_query = $this->get_labels_data_query(); $last_activity_date_or_before = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "last_activity_date_or_before"); if ($last_activity_date_or_before) { $where .= " AND ($tickets_table.last_activity_at IS NOT NULL AND DATE($tickets_table.last_activity_at)<='$last_activity_date_or_before')"; } //prepare custom fild binding query $custom_fields = get_array_value($options, "custom_fields"); $custom_field_filter = get_array_value($options, "custom_field_filter"); $custom_field_query_info = $this->prepare_custom_field_query_string("tickets", $custom_fields, $tickets_table, $custom_field_filter); $select_custom_fieds = get_array_value($custom_field_query_info, "select_string"); $join_custom_fieds = get_array_value($custom_field_query_info, "join_string"); $custom_fields_where = get_array_value($custom_field_query_info, "where_string"); $limit_offset = ""; $limit = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "limit"); if ($limit) { $skip = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "skip"); $offset = $skip ? $skip : 0; $limit_offset = " LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset "; } $available_order_by_list = array( "id" => $tickets_table . ".id", "title" => $tickets_table . ".title", "client" => $clients_table . ".company_name", "project" => "project_title", "ticket_type" => "ticket_type", "assigned_to" => "assigned_to_user", "last_activity" => $tickets_table . ".last_activity_at", ); $order_by = get_array_value($available_order_by_list, $this->_get_clean_value($options, "order_by")); $order = ""; if ($order_by) { $order_dir = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "order_dir"); $order = " ORDER BY $order_by $order_dir "; } $search_by = get_array_value($options, "search_by"); $search_by = $search_by? $this->db->escapeLikeString($search_by): ""; $search_by = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "search_by"); if ($search_by) { $labels_table = $this->db->prefixTable("labels"); $where .= " AND ("; $where .= " $ LIKE '%$search_by%' ESCAPE '!' "; $where .= " OR $tickets_table.title LIKE '%$search_by%' ESCAPE '!' "; $where .= " OR $clients_table.company_name LIKE '%$search_by%' ESCAPE '!' "; $where .= " OR $project_table.title LIKE '%$search_by%' ESCAPE '!' "; $where .= " OR $ticket_types_table.title LIKE '%$search_by%' ESCAPE '!' "; $where .= " OR CONCAT(assigned_table.first_name, ' ',assigned_table.last_name) LIKE '%$search_by%' ESCAPE '!' "; $where .= " OR (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT($labels_table.title, ', ') FROM $labels_table WHERE FIND_IN_SET($, $tickets_table.labels)) LIKE '%$search_by%' ESCAPE '!' "; $where .= $this->get_custom_field_search_query($tickets_table, "tickets", $search_by); $where .= " )"; } $ticket_client_info_select = ""; $client_tickets_count_join = ""; $in_out_message_count_select = ""; $in_out_ticket_comments_count_join = ""; if ($id) { $ticket_client_info_select = ", $ AS company_phone "; //count tickets by client id $ticket_client_info_select .= ", client_tickets_table.total_tickets "; $client_tickets_count_join = " LEFT JOIN ( SELECT client_id, COUNT(id) AS total_tickets FROM $tickets_table WHERE deleted=0 GROUP BY client_id ) AS client_tickets_table ON client_tickets_table.client_id = $tickets_table.client_id "; //count in and out messages $in_out_message_count_select = ", in_message_table.in_message_count, out_message_table.out_message_count"; $in_out_ticket_comments_count_join = " LEFT JOIN ( SELECT ticket_id, COUNT(id) AS in_message_count FROM $ticket_comments_table WHERE deleted=0 AND created_by IN (SELECT id FROM $users_table WHERE $users_table.user_type = 'client') GROUP BY ticket_id ) AS in_message_table ON in_message_table.ticket_id = $ LEFT JOIN ( SELECT ticket_id, COUNT(id) AS out_message_count FROM $ticket_comments_table WHERE deleted=0 AND is_note = 0 AND created_by IN (SELECT id FROM $users_table WHERE $users_table.user_type = 'staff') GROUP BY ticket_id ) AS out_message_table ON out_message_table.ticket_id = $"; } $sql = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS $tickets_table.*, $ticket_types_table.title AS ticket_type, $clients_table.company_name, $project_table.title AS project_title, $task_table.title AS task_title, CONCAT(assigned_table.first_name, ' ',assigned_table.last_name) AS assigned_to_user, assigned_table.image as assigned_to_avatar, $select_labels_data_query $select_custom_fieds, CONCAT(requested_table.first_name, ' ',requested_table.last_name) AS requested_by_name, requested_table.image as requested_by_avatar $ticket_client_info_select $in_out_message_count_select FROM $tickets_table LEFT JOIN $ticket_types_table ON $ $tickets_table.ticket_type_id LEFT JOIN $clients_table ON $ $tickets_table.client_id LEFT JOIN $users_table AS assigned_table ON $tickets_table.assigned_to LEFT JOIN $users_table AS requested_table ON $tickets_table.requested_by LEFT JOIN $project_table ON $ $tickets_table.project_id LEFT JOIN $task_table ON $ $tickets_table.task_id $client_tickets_count_join $in_out_ticket_comments_count_join $join_custom_fieds WHERE $tickets_table.deleted=0 $where $custom_fields_where $order $limit_offset"; $raw_query = $this->db->query($sql); if ($limit) { $total_rows = $this->db->query("SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as found_rows")->getRow(); return array( "data" => $raw_query->getResult(), "recordsTotal" => $total_rows->found_rows, "recordsFiltered" => $total_rows->found_rows, ); } else { return $raw_query; } } function count_new_tickets($ticket_types = "", $show_assigned_tickets_only_user_id = 0) { $tickets_table = $this->db->prefixTable('tickets'); $where = ""; $ticket_types = $this->_get_clean_value($ticket_types); $show_assigned_tickets_only_user_id = $this->_get_clean_value($show_assigned_tickets_only_user_id); if ($ticket_types) { $where = " AND FIND_IN_SET($tickets_table.ticket_type_id, '$ticket_types')"; } if ($show_assigned_tickets_only_user_id) { $where .= " AND $tickets_table.assigned_to=$show_assigned_tickets_only_user_id"; } $sql = "SELECT COUNT($ AS total FROM $tickets_table WHERE $tickets_table.deleted=0 AND $tickets_table.status='new' $where"; return $this->db->query($sql)->getRow()->total; } function get_label_suggestions() { $tickets_table = $this->db->prefixTable('tickets'); $sql = "SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(labels) as label_groups FROM $tickets_table WHERE $tickets_table.deleted=0"; return $this->db->query($sql)->getRow()->label_groups; } function delete_ticket_and_sub_items($ticket_id) { $tickets_table = $this->db->prefixTable('tickets'); $ticket_comments_table = $this->db->prefixTable('ticket_comments'); $ticket_id = $this->_get_clean_value($ticket_id); //get ticket comments info to delete the files from directory $ticket_comments_sql = "SELECT * FROM $ticket_comments_table WHERE $ticket_comments_table.deleted=0 AND $ticket_comments_table.ticket_id=$ticket_id; "; $ticket_comments = $this->db->query($ticket_comments_sql)->getResult(); //delete the ticket and sub items $delete_ticket_sql = "UPDATE $tickets_table SET $tickets_table.deleted=1 WHERE $$ticket_id; "; $this->db->query($delete_ticket_sql); $delete_comments_sql = "UPDATE $ticket_comments_table SET $ticket_comments_table.deleted=1 WHERE $ticket_comments_table.ticket_id=$ticket_id; "; $this->db->query($delete_comments_sql); //delete the files from directory $comment_file_path = get_setting("timeline_file_path"); foreach ($ticket_comments as $comment_info) { if ($comment_info->files && $comment_info->files != "a:0:{}") { $files = unserialize($comment_info->files); foreach ($files as $file) { delete_app_files($comment_file_path, array($file)); } } } return true; } function count_tickets($options = array()) { $tickets_table = $this->db->prefixTable('tickets'); $where = ""; $client_id = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "client_id"); if ($client_id) { $where .= " AND $tickets_table.client_id=$client_id"; } $allowed_ticket_types = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "allowed_ticket_types"); if ($allowed_ticket_types && count($allowed_ticket_types)) { $implode_allowed_ticket_types = implode(",", $allowed_ticket_types); $where .= " AND FIND_IN_SET($tickets_table.ticket_type_id, '$implode_allowed_ticket_types')"; } $status = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "status"); if ($status) { $where .= " AND FIND_IN_SET($tickets_table.status, '$status')"; } $show_assigned_tickets_only_user_id = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "show_assigned_tickets_only_user_id"); if ($show_assigned_tickets_only_user_id) { $where .= " AND $tickets_table.assigned_to=$show_assigned_tickets_only_user_id"; } $sql = "SELECT COUNT($ AS total FROM $tickets_table WHERE $tickets_table.deleted=0 $where"; return $this->db->query($sql)->getRow()->total; } function get_ticket_statistics($options = array()) { $tickets_table = $this->db->prefixTable('tickets'); $ticket_types_table = $this->db->prefixTable('ticket_types'); $where = ""; $offset = convert_seconds_to_time_format(get_timezone_offset()); $start_date = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "start_date"); $end_date = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "end_date"); if ($start_date && $end_date) { $where .= " AND DATE(ADDTIME($tickets_table.created_at,'$offset')) BETWEEN '$start_date' AND '$end_date'"; } $status = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "status"); if ($status === "closed") { $where .= " AND $tickets_table.status='$status'"; } if ($status === "open") { $where .= " AND FIND_IN_SET($tickets_table.status, 'new,open,client_replied')"; } $ticket_type_id = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "ticket_type_id"); if ($ticket_type_id) { $where .= " AND $tickets_table.ticket_type_id=$ticket_type_id"; } $assigned_to = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "assigned_to"); if ($assigned_to) { $where .= " AND $tickets_table.assigned_to=$assigned_to"; } $ticket_label = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "ticket_label"); if ($ticket_label) { $where .= " AND (FIND_IN_SET('$ticket_label', $tickets_table.labels)) "; } $allowed_ticket_types = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "allowed_ticket_types"); if ($allowed_ticket_types && count($allowed_ticket_types)) { $implode_allowed_ticket_types = implode(",", $allowed_ticket_types); $where .= " AND FIND_IN_SET($tickets_table.ticket_type_id, '$implode_allowed_ticket_types')"; } $show_assigned_tickets_only_user_id = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "show_assigned_tickets_only_user_id"); if ($show_assigned_tickets_only_user_id) { $where .= " AND $tickets_table.assigned_to=$show_assigned_tickets_only_user_id"; } $timeZone = new \DateTimeZone(get_setting("timezone")); $dateTime = new \DateTime("now", $timeZone); $offset_in_gmt = $dateTime->format('P'); $select_tz_start_time = "CONVERT_TZ($tickets_table.created_at,'+00:00','$offset_in_gmt')"; $sql = ""; $group_by = $this->_get_clean_value($options, "group_by"); if ($group_by == "created_date") { $sql = "SELECT DATE($select_tz_start_time) AS date, DATE_FORMAT($select_tz_start_time,'%d') as day, COUNT($ AS total FROM $tickets_table WHERE $tickets_table.deleted=0 $where GROUP BY DATE($select_tz_start_time)"; } else if ($group_by == "ticket_type") { $sql = "SELECT COUNT($ AS total, $ AS ticket_type_id, $ticket_types_table.title AS ticket_type_title FROM $tickets_table LEFT JOIN $ticket_types_table ON $ = $tickets_table.ticket_type_id WHERE $tickets_table.deleted=0 AND $tickets_table.status!='closed' $where GROUP BY $tickets_table.ticket_type_id"; } else if ($group_by == "ticket_status") { $sql = "SELECT $tickets_table.status, COUNT($ AS total FROM $tickets_table WHERE $tickets_table.deleted=0 $where GROUP BY $tickets_table.status"; } return $this->db->query($sql); } }