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<?php /** * League.Csv ( * * (c) Ignace Nyamagana Butera <> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace League\Csv; use ArrayIterator; use CallbackFilterIterator; use Iterator; use LimitIterator; use function array_reduce; use const E_USER_DEPRECATED; /** * Criteria to filter a {@link TabularDataReader} object. */ class Statement { /** @var array<callable> Callables to filter the iterator. */ protected array $where = []; /** @var array<callable> Callables to sort the iterator. */ protected array $order_by = []; /** iterator Offset. */ protected int $offset = 0; /** iterator maximum length. */ protected int $limit = -1; /** * @throws Exception */ public static function create(callable $where = null, int $offset = 0, int $limit = -1): self { $stmt = new self(); if (null !== $where) { $stmt = $stmt->where($where); } return $stmt->offset($offset)->limit($limit); } /** * Sets the Iterator filter method. */ public function where(callable $where): self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->where[] = $where; return $clone; } /** * Sets an Iterator sorting callable function. */ public function orderBy(callable $order_by): self { $clone = clone $this; $clone->order_by[] = $order_by; return $clone; } /** * Sets LimitIterator Offset. * * @throws Exception if the offset is less than 0 */ public function offset(int $offset): self { if (0 > $offset) { throw InvalidArgument::dueToInvalidRecordOffset($offset, __METHOD__); } if ($offset === $this->offset) { return $this; } $clone = clone $this; $clone->offset = $offset; return $clone; } /** * Sets LimitIterator Count. * * @throws Exception if the limit is less than -1 */ public function limit(int $limit): self { if (-1 > $limit) { throw InvalidArgument::dueToInvalidLimit($limit, __METHOD__); } if ($limit === $this->limit) { return $this; } $clone = clone $this; $clone->limit = $limit; return $clone; } /** * Executes the prepared Statement on the {@link Reader} object. * * @param array<string> $header an optional header to use instead of the CSV document header * * @throws SyntaxError */ public function process(TabularDataReader $tabular_data, array $header = []): TabularDataReader { if ([] !== $header) { @trigger_error('Since league\csv 9.12.0: the $header argument is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release; Please use getRecords on the returned TabularDataReader', E_USER_DEPRECATED); } if ([] === $header) { $header = $tabular_data->getHeader(); } $iterator = $this->buildOrderBy( array_reduce($this->where, $this->filter(...), $tabular_data->getRecords($header)) ); /** @var Iterator<array-key, array<array-key, string|null>> $iterator */ $iterator = new LimitIterator($iterator, $this->offset, $this->limit); return new ResultSet($iterator, $header); } /** * Filters elements of an Iterator using a callback function. */ protected function filter(Iterator $iterator, callable $callable): CallbackFilterIterator { return new CallbackFilterIterator($iterator, $callable); } /** * Sorts the Iterator. */ protected function buildOrderBy(Iterator $iterator): Iterator { if ([] === $this->order_by) { return $iterator; } $compare = function (array $record_a, array $record_b): int { foreach ($this->order_by as $callable) { if (0 !== ($cmp = $callable($record_a, $record_b))) { return $cmp; } } return $cmp ?? 0; }; /** @var ArrayIterator<array-key, array<string|null>> $it */ $it = new ArrayIterator([...$iterator]); $it->uasort($compare); return $it; } }