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<?php /** * League.Csv ( * * (c) Ignace Nyamagana Butera <> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace League\Csv; use ArrayIterator; use CallbackFilterIterator; use Closure; use Generator; use Iterator; use JsonSerializable; use League\Csv\Serializer\Denormalizer; use League\Csv\Serializer\MappingFailed; use League\Csv\Serializer\TypeCastingFailed; use LimitIterator; use function array_filter; use function array_flip; use function array_search; use function is_string; use function iterator_count; /** * Represents the result set of a {@link Reader} processed by a {@link Statement}. */ class ResultSet implements TabularDataReader, JsonSerializable { /** @var array<string> */ protected array $header; /* @var Iterator<array-key, array<array-key, mixed>> */ protected Iterator $records; /** * @param Iterator|array<array-key, array<array-key, mixed>> $records * @param array<string> $header * * @throws SyntaxError */ public function __construct(Iterator|array $records, array $header = []) { if ($header !== array_filter($header, is_string(...))) { throw SyntaxError::dueToInvalidHeaderColumnNames(); } $this->header = array_values($this->validateHeader($header)); $this->records = match (true) { $records instanceof Iterator => $records, default => new ArrayIterator($records), }; } /** * @throws SyntaxError if the header syntax is invalid */ protected function validateHeader(array $header): array { return match (true) { $header !== array_unique($header) => throw SyntaxError::dueToDuplicateHeaderColumnNames($header), [] !== array_filter(array_keys($header), fn (string|int $value) => !is_int($value) || $value < 0) => throw new SyntaxError('The header mapper indexes should only contain positive integer or 0.'), default => $header, }; } public function __destruct() { unset($this->records); } /** * Returns a new instance from an object implementing the TabularDataReader interface. * * @throws SyntaxError */ public static function createFromTabularDataReader(TabularDataReader $reader): self { return new self($reader->getRecords(), $reader->getHeader()); } /** * Returns a new instance from a collection without header.. * * @throws SyntaxError */ public static function createFromRecords(Iterator|array $records = []): self { return new self($records); } /** * Returns the header associated with the result set. * * @return array<string> */ public function getHeader(): array { return $this->header; } /** * @throws SyntaxError */ public function getIterator(): Iterator { return $this->getRecords(); } /** * @param Closure(array<mixed>, array-key=): mixed $closure */ public function each(Closure $closure): bool { foreach ($this as $offset => $record) { if (false === $closure($record, $offset)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * @param Closure(array<mixed>, array-key=): bool $closure */ public function exists(Closure $closure): bool { foreach ($this as $offset => $record) { if (true === $closure($record, $offset)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @param Closure(TInitial|null, array<mixed>, array-key=): TInitial $closure * @param TInitial|null $initial * * @template TInitial * * @return TInitial|null */ public function reduce(Closure $closure, mixed $initial = null): mixed { foreach ($this as $offset => $record) { $initial = $closure($initial, $record, $offset); } return $initial; } public function filter(Closure $closure): TabularDataReader { return Statement::create()->where($closure)->process($this); } public function slice(int $offset, int $length = null): TabularDataReader { return Statement::create()->offset($offset)->limit($length ?? -1)->process($this); } public function sorted(Closure $orderBy): TabularDataReader { return Statement::create()->orderBy($orderBy)->process($this); } public function select(string|int ...$columns): TabularDataReader { $header = []; $documentHeader = $this->getHeader(); $hasNoHeader = [] === $documentHeader; foreach ($columns as $field) { if (is_string($field)) { if ($hasNoHeader) { throw new InvalidArgument(__METHOD__.' can only use named column if the tabular data has a non-empty header.'); } $index = array_search($field, $this->header, true); if (false === $index) { throw InvalidArgument::dueToInvalidColumnIndex($field, 'offset', __METHOD__); } $header[$index] = $field; continue; } if (!$hasNoHeader && !array_key_exists($field, $documentHeader)) { throw InvalidArgument::dueToInvalidColumnIndex($field, 'offset', __METHOD__); } $header[$field] = $documentHeader[$field] ?? $field; } /** @var array<int, string> $finalHeader */ $finalHeader = $hasNoHeader ? [] : $header; return new self($this->combineHeader($header), $finalHeader); } public function matching(string $expression): iterable { return FragmentFinder::create()->findAll($expression, $this); } public function matchingFirst(string $expression): ?TabularDataReader { return FragmentFinder::create()->findFirst($expression, $this); } /** * @throws SyntaxError * @throws FragmentNotFound */ public function matchingFirstOrFail(string $expression): TabularDataReader { return FragmentFinder::create()->findFirstOrFail($expression, $this); } /** * @param array<string> $header * * @throws SyntaxError * * @return Iterator<array-key, array<array-key, mixed>> */ public function getRecords(array $header = []): Iterator { $header = $this->prepareHeader($header); return $this->combineHeader($header); } /** * @param class-string $className * @param array<string> $header * * @throws Exception * @throws MappingFailed * @throws TypeCastingFailed */ public function getObjects(string $className, array $header = []): Iterator { $header = $this->prepareHeader($header); return Denormalizer::assignAll( $className, $this->combineHeader($header), $header ); } /** * @param array<string> $header * * @throws SyntaxError * @return array<string> */ protected function prepareHeader(array $header): array { if ($header !== array_filter($header, is_string(...))) { throw SyntaxError::dueToInvalidHeaderColumnNames(); } $header = $this->validateHeader($header); if ([] === $header) { $header = $this->header; } return $header; } /** * Combines the header to each record if present. * * @param array<array-key, string|int> $header * * @return Iterator<array-key, array<array-key, mixed>> */ protected function combineHeader(array $header): Iterator { return match (true) { [] === $header => $this->records, default => new MapIterator($this->records, function (array $record) use ($header): array { $assocRecord = []; $row = array_values($record); foreach ($header as $offset => $headerName) { $assocRecord[$headerName] = $row[$offset] ?? null; } return $assocRecord; }), }; } public function count(): int { return iterator_count($this->records); } public function jsonSerialize(): array { return array_values([...$this->records]); } public function first(): array { return $this->nth(0); } public function value(int|string $column = 0): mixed { return match (true) { is_string($column) => $this->first()[$column] ?? null, default => array_values($this->first())[$column] ?? null, }; } public function nth(int $nth_record): array { if ($nth_record < 0) { throw InvalidArgument::dueToInvalidRecordOffset($nth_record, __METHOD__); } $iterator = new LimitIterator($this->getIterator(), $nth_record, 1); $iterator->rewind(); /** @var array|null $result */ $result = $iterator->current(); return $result ?? []; } /** * @param class-string $className * * @throws InvalidArgument */ public function nthAsObject(int $nth, string $className, array $header = []): ?object { $header = $this->prepareHeader($header); $record = $this->nth($nth); if ([] === $record) { return null; } if ([] === $header || $this->header === $header) { return Denormalizer::assign($className, $record); } $row = array_values($record); $record = []; foreach ($header as $offset => $headerName) { $record[$headerName] = $row[$offset] ?? null; } return Denormalizer::assign($className, $record); } /** * @param class-string $className * * @throws InvalidArgument */ public function firstAsObject(string $className, array $header = []): ?object { return $this->nthAsObject(0, $className, $header); } /** * @throws Exception */ public function fetchColumnByName(string $name): Iterator { return $this->yieldColumn( $this->getColumnIndexByValue($name, 'name', __METHOD__) ); } /** * @throws Exception */ public function fetchColumnByOffset(int $offset): Iterator { return $this->yieldColumn( $this->getColumnIndexByKey($offset, 'offset', __METHOD__) ); } protected function yieldColumn(string|int $offset): Generator { yield from new MapIterator( new CallbackFilterIterator($this->records, fn (array $record): bool => isset($record[$offset])), fn (array $record): string => $record[$offset] ); } /** * Filters a column name against the header if any. * * @throws InvalidArgument if the field is invalid or not found */ protected function getColumnIndex(string|int $field, string $type, string $method): string|int { return match (true) { is_string($field) => $this->getColumnIndexByValue($field, $type, $method), default => $this->getColumnIndexByKey($field, $type, $method), }; } /** * Returns the selected column name. * * @throws InvalidArgument if the column is not found */ protected function getColumnIndexByValue(string $value, string $type, string $method): string { return match (true) { false === array_search($value, $this->header, true) => throw InvalidArgument::dueToInvalidColumnIndex($value, $type, $method), default => $value, }; } /** * Returns the selected column name according to its offset. * * @throws InvalidArgument if the field is invalid or not found */ protected function getColumnIndexByKey(int $index, string $type, string $method): int|string { return match (true) { $index < 0 => throw InvalidArgument::dueToInvalidColumnIndex($index, $type, $method), [] === $this->header => $index, false !== ($value = array_search($index, array_flip($this->header), true)) => $value, default => throw InvalidArgument::dueToInvalidColumnIndex($index, $type, $method), }; } public function fetchPairs($offset_index = 0, $value_index = 1): Iterator { $offset = $this->getColumnIndex($offset_index, 'offset', __METHOD__); $value = $this->getColumnIndex($value_index, 'value', __METHOD__); $iterator = new MapIterator( new CallbackFilterIterator($this->records, fn (array $record): bool => isset($record[$offset])), fn (array $record): array => [$record[$offset], $record[$value] ?? null] ); /** @var array{0:int|string, 1:string|null} $pair */ foreach ($iterator as $pair) { yield $pair[0] => $pair[1]; } } /** * @deprecated since version 9.9.0 * * @see ::nth * * @codeCoverageIgnore */ public function fetchOne(int $nth_record = 0): array { return $this->nth($nth_record); } /** * @deprecated since version 9.8.0 * * @see ::fetchColumnByName * @see ::fetchColumnByOffset * * @codeCoverageIgnore * @throws Exception */ public function fetchColumn($index = 0): Iterator { return $this->yieldColumn( $this->getColumnIndex($index, 'offset', __METHOD__) ); } }