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<?php /** * League.Csv ( * * (c) Ignace Nyamagana Butera <> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace League\Csv; use OutOfRangeException; use php_user_filter; use function array_combine; use function array_map; use function in_array; use function is_numeric; use function mb_convert_encoding; use function mb_list_encodings; use function preg_match; use function sprintf; use function stream_bucket_append; use function stream_bucket_make_writeable; use function stream_filter_register; use function stream_get_filters; use function strtolower; use function substr; /** * Converts resource stream or tabular data content charset. */ class CharsetConverter extends php_user_filter { public const FILTERNAME = 'convert.league.csv'; public const BOM_SEQUENCE = 'bom_sequence'; public const SKIP_BOM_SEQUENCE = 'skip_bom_sequence'; protected string $input_encoding = 'UTF-8'; protected string $output_encoding = 'UTF-8'; protected bool $skipBomSequence = false; /** * Static method to add the stream filter to a {@link Reader} object to handle BOM skipping. */ public static function addBOMSkippingTo(Reader $document, string $output_encoding = 'UTF-8'): Reader { self::register(); $document->addStreamFilter( self::getFiltername(match ($document->getInputBOM()) { ByteSequence::BOM_UTF16_LE => 'UTF-16LE', ByteSequence::BOM_UTF16_BE => 'UTF-16BE', ByteSequence::BOM_UTF32_LE => 'UTF-32LE', ByteSequence::BOM_UTF32_BE => 'UTF-32BE', default => 'UTF-8', }, $output_encoding), [self::BOM_SEQUENCE => self::SKIP_BOM_SEQUENCE] ); return $document; } /** * Static method to add the stream filter to a {@link AbstractCsv} object. */ public static function addTo(AbstractCsv $csv, string $input_encoding, string $output_encoding, array $params = null): AbstractCsv { self::register(); return $csv->addStreamFilter(self::getFiltername($input_encoding, $output_encoding), $params); } /** * Static method to register the class as a stream filter. */ public static function register(): void { $filter_name = self::FILTERNAME.'.*'; if (!in_array($filter_name, stream_get_filters(), true)) { stream_filter_register($filter_name, self::class); } } /** * Static method to return the stream filter filtername. */ public static function getFiltername(string $input_encoding, string $output_encoding): string { return sprintf( '%s.%s/%s', self::FILTERNAME, self::filterEncoding($input_encoding), self::filterEncoding($output_encoding) ); } /** * Filter encoding charset. * * @throws OutOfRangeException if the charset is malformed or unsupported */ protected static function filterEncoding(string $encoding): string { static $encoding_list; if (null === $encoding_list) { $list = mb_list_encodings(); $encoding_list = array_combine(array_map(strtolower(...), $list), $list); } $key = strtolower($encoding); if (isset($encoding_list[$key])) { return $encoding_list[$key]; } throw new OutOfRangeException('The submitted charset '.$encoding.' is not supported by the mbstring extension.'); } public function onCreate(): bool { $prefix = self::FILTERNAME.'.'; if (!str_starts_with($this->filtername, $prefix)) { return false; } $encodings = substr($this->filtername, strlen($prefix)); if (1 !== preg_match(',^(?<input>[-\w]+)/(?<output>[-\w]+)$,', $encodings, $matches)) { return false; } try { $this->input_encoding = self::filterEncoding($matches['input']); $this->output_encoding = self::filterEncoding($matches['output']); $this->skipBomSequence = is_array($this->params) && isset($this->params[self::BOM_SEQUENCE]) && self::SKIP_BOM_SEQUENCE === $this->params[self::BOM_SEQUENCE]; } catch (OutOfRangeException) { return false; } return true; } public function filter($in, $out, &$consumed, bool $closing): int { set_error_handler(fn (int $errno, string $errstr, string $errfile, int $errline) => true); $alreadyRun = false; while (null !== ($bucket = stream_bucket_make_writeable($in))) { $content = $bucket->data; if (!$alreadyRun && $this->skipBomSequence && null !== ($bom = Info::fetchBOMSequence($content))) { $content = substr($content, strlen($bom)); } $alreadyRun = true; $bucket->data = mb_convert_encoding($content, $this->output_encoding, $this->input_encoding); $consumed += $bucket->datalen; stream_bucket_append($out, $bucket); } restore_error_handler(); return PSFS_PASS_ON; } /** * Converts Csv records collection into UTF-8. */ public function convert(iterable $records): iterable { return match (true) { $this->output_encoding === $this->input_encoding => $records, is_array($records) => array_map($this, $records), default => new MapIterator($records, $this), }; } /** * Enable using the class as a formatter for the {@link Writer}. */ public function __invoke(array $record): array { $outputRecord = []; foreach ($record as $offset => $value) { [$newOffset, $newValue] = $this->encodeField($value, $offset); $outputRecord[$newOffset] = $newValue; } return $outputRecord; } /** * Walker method to convert the offset and the value of a CSV record field. */ protected function encodeField(int|float|string|null $value, int|string $offset): array { if (null !== $value && !is_numeric($value)) { $value = mb_convert_encoding($value, $this->output_encoding, $this->input_encoding); } if (!is_numeric($offset)) { $offset = mb_convert_encoding($offset, $this->output_encoding, $this->input_encoding); } return [$offset, $value]; } /** * Sets the records input encoding charset. */ public function inputEncoding(string $encoding): self { $encoding = self::filterEncoding($encoding); if ($encoding === $this->input_encoding) { return $this; } $clone = clone $this; $clone->input_encoding = $encoding; return $clone; } /** * Sets the records output encoding charset. */ public function outputEncoding(string $encoding): self { $encoding = self::filterEncoding($encoding); if ($encoding === $this->output_encoding) { return $this; } $clone = clone $this; $clone->output_encoding = $encoding; return $clone; } }