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<?php /** * League.Csv ( * * (c) Ignace Nyamagana Butera <> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace League\Csv; use Generator; use RuntimeException; use SplFileObject; use Stringable; use function filter_var; use function get_class; use function mb_strlen; use function rawurlencode; use function sprintf; use function str_replace; use function str_split; use function strcspn; use function strlen; use const FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_HIGH; use const FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW; use const FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW; /** * An abstract class to enable CSV document loading. */ abstract class AbstractCsv implements ByteSequence { protected const STREAM_FILTER_MODE = STREAM_FILTER_READ; /** @var array<string, bool> collection of stream filters. */ protected array $stream_filters = []; protected ?string $input_bom = null; protected string $output_bom = ''; protected string $delimiter = ','; protected string $enclosure = '"'; protected string $escape = '\\'; protected bool $is_input_bom_included = false; /** * @final This method should not be overwritten in child classes */ protected function __construct(protected readonly SplFileObject|Stream $document) { [$this->delimiter, $this->enclosure, $this->escape] = $this->document->getCsvControl(); $this->resetProperties(); } /** * Reset dynamic object properties to improve performance. */ protected function resetProperties(): void { } /** * @throws UnavailableStream */ public function __clone() { throw UnavailableStream::dueToForbiddenCloning(static::class); } /** * Returns a new instance from a SplFileObject. */ public static function createFromFileObject(SplFileObject $file): static { return new static($file); } /** * Returns a new instance from a PHP resource stream. * * @param resource $stream */ public static function createFromStream($stream): static { return new static(Stream::createFromResource($stream)); } /** * Returns a new instance from a string. */ public static function createFromString(Stringable|string $content = ''): static { return new static(Stream::createFromString((string) $content)); } /** * Returns a new instance from a file path. * * @param resource|null $context the resource context * * @throws UnavailableStream */ public static function createFromPath(string $path, string $open_mode = 'r+', $context = null): static { return new static(Stream::createFromPath($path, $open_mode, $context)); } /** * Returns the current field delimiter. */ public function getDelimiter(): string { return $this->delimiter; } /** * Returns the current field enclosure. */ public function getEnclosure(): string { return $this->enclosure; } /** * Returns the pathname of the underlying document. */ public function getPathname(): string { return $this->document->getPathname(); } /** * Returns the current field escape character. */ public function getEscape(): string { return $this->escape; } /** * Returns the BOM sequence in use on Output methods. */ public function getOutputBOM(): string { return $this->output_bom; } /** * Returns the BOM sequence of the given CSV. */ public function getInputBOM(): string { if (null !== $this->input_bom) { return $this->input_bom; } $this->document->setFlags(SplFileObject::READ_CSV); $this->document->rewind(); $this->input_bom = Info::fetchBOMSequence((string) $this->document->fread(4)) ?? ''; return $this->input_bom; } /** * Tells whether the stream filter read capabilities can be used. */ public function supportsStreamFilterOnRead(): bool { return $this->document instanceof Stream && (static::STREAM_FILTER_MODE & STREAM_FILTER_READ) === STREAM_FILTER_READ; } /** * Tells whether the stream filter write capabilities can be used. */ public function supportsStreamFilterOnWrite(): bool { return $this->document instanceof Stream && (static::STREAM_FILTER_MODE & STREAM_FILTER_WRITE) === STREAM_FILTER_WRITE; } /** * Tells whether the specified stream filter is attached to the current stream. */ public function hasStreamFilter(string $filtername): bool { return $this->stream_filters[$filtername] ?? false; } /** * Tells whether the BOM can be stripped if presents. */ public function isInputBOMIncluded(): bool { return $this->is_input_bom_included; } /** * Returns the CSV document as a Generator of string chunk. * * @throws Exception if the number of bytes is less than 1 */ public function chunk(int $length): Generator { if ($length < 1) { throw InvalidArgument::dueToInvalidChunkSize($length, __METHOD__); } $this->document->rewind(); $this->document->setFlags(0); if (-1 === $this->document->fseek(strlen($this->getInputBOM()))) { throw new RuntimeException('Unable to seek the document.'); } yield from str_split($this->output_bom.$this->document->fread($length), $length); while ($this->document->valid()) { yield $this->document->fread($length); } } /** * Retrieves the CSV content. * * @throws Exception If the string representation can not be returned */ public function toString(): string { $raw = ''; foreach ($this->chunk(8192) as $chunk) { $raw .= $chunk; } return $raw; } /** * Outputs all data on the CSV file. * * Returns the number of characters read from the handle and passed through to the output. * * @throws Exception */ public function output(string $filename = null): int { if (null !== $filename) { $this->sendHeaders($filename); } $this->document->rewind(); $this->document->setFlags(0); if (!$this->is_input_bom_included && -1 === $this->document->fseek(strlen($this->getInputBOM()))) { throw new RuntimeException('Unable to seek the document.'); } $stream = Stream::createFromString($this->output_bom); $stream->rewind(); $res1 = $stream->fpassthru(); if (false === $res1) { throw new RuntimeException('Unable to output the document.'); } $res2 = $this->document->fpassthru(); if (false === $res2) { throw new RuntimeException('Unable to output the document.'); } return $res1 + $res2; } /** * Send the CSV headers. * * Adapted from Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ResponseHeaderBag::makeDisposition * * @throws Exception if the submitted header is invalid according to RFC 6266 * * @see */ protected function sendHeaders(string $filename): void { if (strlen($filename) !== strcspn($filename, '\\/')) { throw InvalidArgument::dueToInvalidHeaderFilename($filename); } $flag = FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW; if (strlen($filename) !== mb_strlen($filename)) { $flag |= FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_HIGH; } /** @var string $filtered_name */ $filtered_name = filter_var($filename, FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW, $flag); $filename_fallback = str_replace('%', '', $filtered_name); $disposition = sprintf('attachment; filename="%s"', str_replace('"', '\\"', $filename_fallback)); if ($filename !== $filename_fallback) { $disposition .= sprintf("; filename*=utf-8''%s", rawurlencode($filename)); } header('Content-Type: text/csv'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Disposition: '.$disposition); } /** * Sets the field delimiter. * * @throws InvalidArgument If the Csv control character is not one character only. */ public function setDelimiter(string $delimiter): static { if ($delimiter === $this->delimiter) { return $this; } if (1 !== strlen($delimiter)) { throw InvalidArgument::dueToInvalidDelimiterCharacter($delimiter, __METHOD__); } $this->delimiter = $delimiter; $this->resetProperties(); return $this; } /** * Sets the field enclosure. * * @throws InvalidArgument If the Csv control character is not one character only. */ public function setEnclosure(string $enclosure): static { if ($enclosure === $this->enclosure) { return $this; } if (1 !== strlen($enclosure)) { throw InvalidArgument::dueToInvalidEnclosureCharacter($enclosure, __METHOD__); } $this->enclosure = $enclosure; $this->resetProperties(); return $this; } /** * Sets the field escape character. * * @throws InvalidArgument If the Csv control character is not one character only. */ public function setEscape(string $escape): static { if ($escape === $this->escape) { return $this; } if ('' !== $escape && 1 !== strlen($escape)) { throw InvalidArgument::dueToInvalidEscapeCharacter($escape, __METHOD__); } $this->escape = $escape; $this->resetProperties(); return $this; } /** * Enables BOM Stripping. */ public function skipInputBOM(): static { $this->is_input_bom_included = false; return $this; } /** * Disables skipping Input BOM. */ public function includeInputBOM(): static { $this->is_input_bom_included = true; return $this; } /** * Sets the BOM sequence to prepend the CSV on output. */ public function setOutputBOM(string $str): static { $this->output_bom = $str; return $this; } /** * Append a stream filter. * * @throws InvalidArgument If the stream filter API can not be appended * @throws UnavailableFeature If the stream filter API can not be used */ public function addStreamFilter(string $filtername, null|array $params = null): static { if (!$this->document instanceof Stream) { throw UnavailableFeature::dueToUnsupportedStreamFilterApi(get_class($this->document)); } $this->document->appendFilter($filtername, static::STREAM_FILTER_MODE, $params); $this->stream_filters[$filtername] = true; $this->resetProperties(); $this->input_bom = null; return $this; } /** * DEPRECATION WARNING! This method will be removed in the next major point release. * * @deprecated since version 9.7.0 * @see AbstractCsv::supportsStreamFilterOnRead * @see AbstractCsv::supportsStreamFilterOnWrite * @codeCoverageIgnore * * Returns the stream filter mode. */ public function getStreamFilterMode(): int { return static::STREAM_FILTER_MODE; } /** * DEPRECATION WARNING! This method will be removed in the next major point release. * * @deprecated since version 9.7.0 * @see AbstractCsv::supportsStreamFilterOnRead * @see AbstractCsv::supportsStreamFilterOnWrite * @codeCoverageIgnore * * Tells whether the stream filter capabilities can be used. */ public function supportsStreamFilter(): bool { return $this->document instanceof Stream; } /** * Retrieves the CSV content. * * DEPRECATION WARNING! This method will be removed in the next major point release * * @deprecated since version 9.7.0 * @see AbstractCsv::toString * @codeCoverageIgnore */ public function getContent(): string { return $this->toString(); } /** * DEPRECATION WARNING! This method will be removed in the next major point release. * * @deprecated since version 9.1.0 * @see AbstractCsv::toString * @codeCoverageIgnore * * Retrieves the CSV content */ public function __toString(): string { return $this->toString(); } }