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3 \�: � @ s� d Z ddlZddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ dddgZG d d � d �Z dd� Z d d� ZG dd� de ejd�Z eG dd� de ��Ze� ZdS )zwPolicy framework for the email package. Allows fine grained feature control of how the package parses and emits data. � N)�header)�charset)�_has_surrogates�Policy�Compat32�compat32c s@ e Zd ZdZ� fdd�Zdd� Zdd� Zdd � Zd d� Z� Z S )�_PolicyBasea� Policy Object basic framework. This class is useless unless subclassed. A subclass should define class attributes with defaults for any values that are to be managed by the Policy object. The constructor will then allow non-default values to be set for these attributes at instance creation time. The instance will be callable, taking these same attributes keyword arguments, and returning a new instance identical to the called instance except for those values changed by the keyword arguments. Instances may be added, yielding new instances with any non-default values from the right hand operand overriding those in the left hand operand. That is, A + B == A(<non-default values of B>) The repr of an instance can be used to reconstruct the object if and only if the repr of the values can be used to reconstruct those values. c sL xF|j � D ]:\}}t| |�r0tt| �j||� q tdj|| jj���q W dS )z�Create new Policy, possibly overriding some defaults. See class docstring for a list of overridable attributes. z*{!r} is an invalid keyword argument for {}N) �items�hasattr�superr �__setattr__� TypeError�format� __class__�__name__)�self�kw�name�value)r � �#/usr/lib64/python3.6/�__init__) s z_PolicyBase.__init__c C s* dd� | j j� D �}dj| jjdj|��S )Nc S s g | ]\}}d j ||��qS )z{}={!r})r )�.0r r r r r � <listcomp>8 s z(_PolicyBase.__repr__.<locals>.<listcomp>z{}({})z, )�__dict__r r r r �join)r �argsr r r �__repr__7 s z_PolicyBase.__repr__c K sz | j j| j �}x$| jj� D ]\}}tj|||� qW x@|j� D ]4\}}t| |�sdtdj|| j j ���tj|||� q>W |S )z�Return a new instance with specified attributes changed. The new instance has the same attribute values as the current object, except for the changes passed in as keyword arguments. z*{!r} is an invalid keyword argument for {}) r �__new__r r �objectr r r r r )r r Z newpolicy�attrr r r r �clone<