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<?php /** * League.Csv ( * * (c) Ignace Nyamagana Butera <> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace League\Csv; use InvalidArgumentException; use php_user_filter; use TypeError; use function array_map; use function in_array; use function is_string; use function str_replace; use function strcspn; use function stream_bucket_append; use function stream_bucket_make_writeable; use function stream_filter_register; use function stream_get_filters; use function strlen; use const STREAM_FILTER_READ; use const STREAM_FILTER_WRITE; /** * A stream filter to conform the CSV field to RFC4180. * * DEPRECATION WARNING! This class will be removed in the next major point release * * @deprecated since version 9.2.0 * @see AbstractCsv::setEscape * * @see */ class RFC4180Field extends php_user_filter { public const FILTERNAME = 'convert.league.csv.rfc4180'; /** * The value being search for. * * @var array<string> */ protected array $search; /** * The replacement value that replace found $search values. * * @var array<string> */ protected array $replace; /** * Characters that triggers enclosure with PHP fputcsv. */ protected static string $force_enclosure = "\n\r\t "; /** * Static method to add the stream filter to a {@link AbstractCsv} object. */ public static function addTo(AbstractCsv $csv, string $whitespace_replace = ''): AbstractCsv { self::register(); $params = [ 'enclosure' => $csv->getEnclosure(), 'escape' => $csv->getEscape(), 'mode' => $csv->supportsStreamFilterOnWrite() ? STREAM_FILTER_WRITE : STREAM_FILTER_READ, ]; if ($csv instanceof Writer && '' !== $whitespace_replace) { self::addFormatterTo($csv, $whitespace_replace); $params['whitespace_replace'] = $whitespace_replace; } return $csv->addStreamFilter(self::FILTERNAME, $params); } /** * Add a formatter to the {@link Writer} object to format the record * field to avoid enclosure around a field with an empty space. */ public static function addFormatterTo(Writer $csv, string $whitespace_replace): Writer { if ('' == $whitespace_replace || strlen($whitespace_replace) !== strcspn($whitespace_replace, self::$force_enclosure)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('The sequence contains a character that enforces enclosure or is a CSV control character or is an empty string.'); } $mapper = fn ($value) => is_string($value) ? str_replace(' ', $whitespace_replace, $value) : $value; return $csv->addFormatter(fn (array $record): array => array_map($mapper, $record)); } /** * Static method to register the class as a stream filter. */ public static function register(): void { if (!in_array(self::FILTERNAME, stream_get_filters(), true)) { stream_filter_register(self::FILTERNAME, self::class); } } /** * Static method to return the stream filter filtername. */ public static function getFiltername(): string { return self::FILTERNAME; } /** * @param resource $in * @param resource $out * @param int $consumed */ public function filter($in, $out, &$consumed, bool $closing): int { while (null !== ($bucket = stream_bucket_make_writeable($in))) { $bucket->data = str_replace($this->search, $this->replace, $bucket->data); $consumed += $bucket->datalen; stream_bucket_append($out, $bucket); } return PSFS_PASS_ON; } public function onCreate(): bool { if (!is_array($this->params)) { throw new TypeError('The filter parameters must be an array.'); } static $mode_list = [STREAM_FILTER_READ => 1, STREAM_FILTER_WRITE => 1]; $state = isset($this->params['enclosure'], $this->params['escape'], $this->params['mode'], $mode_list[$this->params['mode']]) && 1 === strlen($this->params['enclosure']) && 1 === strlen($this->params['escape']); if (false === $state) { return false; } $this->search = [$this->params['escape'].$this->params['enclosure']]; $this->replace = [$this->params['enclosure'].$this->params['enclosure']]; if (STREAM_FILTER_WRITE !== $this->params['mode']) { return true; } $this->search = [$this->params['escape'].$this->params['enclosure']]; $this->replace = [$this->params['escape'].$this->params['enclosure'].$this->params['enclosure']]; if ($this->isValidSequence($this->params)) { $this->search[] = $this->params['whitespace_replace']; $this->replace[] = ' '; } return true; } /** * @codeCoverageIgnore * Validate params property. */ protected function isValidParams(array $params): bool { static $mode_list = [STREAM_FILTER_READ => 1, STREAM_FILTER_WRITE => 1]; return isset($params['enclosure'], $params['escape'], $params['mode'], $mode_list[$params['mode']]) && 1 === strlen($params['enclosure']) && 1 === strlen($params['escape']); } /** * Is Valid White space replaced sequence. */ protected function isValidSequence(array $params): bool { return isset($params['whitespace_replace']) && strlen($params['whitespace_replace']) === strcspn($params['whitespace_replace'], self::$force_enclosure); } }