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<?php namespace App\Services; use App\Traits\ConsumesExternalServiceTrait; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use Illuminate\Support\Str; use Spatie\Backup\Listeners\Listener; use App\Services\Statistics\UserService; use App\Events\PaymentReferrerBonus; use App\Events\PaymentProcessed; use App\Models\Payment; use App\Models\SubscriptionPlan; use App\Models\PrepaidPlan; use App\Models\Subscriber; use App\Models\User; use Carbon\Carbon; class MollieService { use ConsumesExternalServiceTrait; protected $mollie; protected $key; protected $baseURI; protected $promocode; private $api; /** * Stripe payment processing, unless you are familiar with * Stripe's REST API, we recommend not to modify core payment processing functionalities here. * Part that are writing data to the database can be edited as you prefer. */ public function __construct() { $this->api = new UserService(); $verify = $this->api->verify_license(); if($verify['status']!=true){ return false; } $this->key = config('services.mollie.key_id'); $this->baseURI = config('services.mollie.base_uri'); } public function resolveAuthorization(&$queryParams, &$formParams, &$headers) { $headers['Authorization'] = $this->resolveAccessToken(); } public function decodeResponse($response) { return json_decode($response); } public function resolveAccessToken() { return "Bearer {$this->key}"; } /** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function handlePaymentSubscription(Request $request, SubscriptionPlan $id) { try { $customer = $this->createCustomer($request->mollie_name, $request->mollie_email); } catch (\Exception $e) { toastr()->error(__('Mollie authentication error, verify your mollie settings first')); return redirect()->back(); } try { $payment = $this->createFirstPayment($customer->id, $id); } catch (\Exception $e) { toastr()->error(__('Mollie authentication error, verify your mollie settings first')); return redirect()->back(); } if ($payment->status == 'open') { session()->put('subscriptionID', $payment->id); session()->put('customerID', $payment->customerId); return redirect($payment->_links->checkout->href, 303); } toastr()->error(__('There was an error while processing your payment. Please try again')); return redirect()->route('user.plans')->with('error', 'There was an error while processing your payment. Please try again'); } public function handlePaymentPrePaid(Request $request, $id, $type) { if ($request->type == 'lifetime') { $id = SubscriptionPlan::where('id', $id)->first(); $type = 'lifetime'; } else { $id = PrepaidPlan::where('id', $id)->first(); $type = 'prepaid'; } $tax_value = (config('payment.payment_tax') > 0) ? $tax = $id->price * config('payment.payment_tax') / 100 : 0; $total_value = $request->value; try { $payment = $this->createPayment($total_value, $request->currency); } catch (\Exception $e) { toastr()->error(__('Mollie authentication error, verify your mollie settings first')); return redirect()->back(); } $listener = new Listener(); $process = $listener->download(); if (!$process['status']) return false; if ($payment->status == 'open') { session()->put('paymentIntentID', $payment->id); session()->put('plan_id', $id); session()->put('type', $type); return redirect($payment->_links->checkout->href, 303); } else { toastr()->error(__('There was an error with Mollie payment, please try again')); return redirect()->back(); } } public function handleApproval() { if (session()->has('paymentIntentID')) { $paymentIntentID = session()->get('paymentIntentID'); $plan = session()->get('plan_id'); $type = session()->get('type'); try { $payment = $this->getPayment($paymentIntentID); } catch (\Exception $e) { toastr()->error(__('Mollie payment confirmation error. Please notify support team or try again')); return redirect()->back(); } if ($payment->status == 'paid') { $amount = $payment->amount->value; $currency = strtoupper($payment->amount->currency); } if (config('payment.referral.enabled') == 'on') { if (config('payment.referral.payment.policy') == 'first') { if (Payment::where('user_id', auth()->user()->id)->where('status', 'completed')->exists()) { /** User already has at least 1 payment */ } else { event(new PaymentReferrerBonus(auth()->user(), $paymentIntentID, $amount, 'Mollie')); } } else { event(new PaymentReferrerBonus(auth()->user(), $paymentIntentID, $amount, 'Mollie')); } } if ($type == 'lifetime') { $subscription_id = Str::random(10); $days = 18250; $subscription = Subscriber::create([ 'user_id' => auth()->user()->id, 'plan_id' => $plan->id, 'status' => 'Active', 'created_at' => now(), 'gateway' => 'Mollie', 'frequency' => 'lifetime', 'plan_name' => $plan->plan_name, 'words' => $plan->words, 'images' => $plan->images, 'characters' => $plan->characters, 'minutes' => $plan->minutes, 'subscription_id' => $subscription_id, 'active_until' => Carbon::now()->addDays($days), ]); } $record_payment = new Payment(); $record_payment->user_id = auth()->user()->id; $record_payment->order_id = $paymentIntentID; $record_payment->plan_id = $plan->id; $record_payment->plan_name = $plan->plan_name; $record_payment->frequency = $type; $record_payment->price = $amount; $record_payment->currency = $currency; $record_payment->gateway = 'Mollie'; $record_payment->status = 'completed'; $record_payment->words = $plan->words; $record_payment->images = $plan->images; $record_payment->characters = $plan->characters; $record_payment->minutes = $plan->minutes; $record_payment->save(); $user = User::where('id',auth()->user()->id)->first(); if ($type == 'lifetime') { $group = (auth()->user()->hasRole('admin'))? 'admin' : 'subscriber'; $user->syncRoles($group); $user->group = $group; $user->plan_id = $plan->id; $user->total_words = $plan->words; $user->total_images = $plan->images; $user->total_chars = $plan->characters; $user->total_minutes = $plan->minutes; $user->available_words = $plan->words; $user->available_images = $plan->images; $user->available_chars = $plan->characters; $user->available_minutes = $plan->minutes; $user->member_limit = $plan->team_members; } else { $user->available_words_prepaid = $user->available_words_prepaid + $plan->words; $user->available_images_prepaid = $user->available_images_prepaid + $plan->images; $user->available_chars_prepaid = $user->available_chars_prepaid + $plan->characters; $user->available_minutes_prepaid = $user->available_minutes_prepaid + $plan->minutes; } $user->save(); event(new PaymentProcessed(auth()->user())); $order_id = $paymentIntentID; return view('user.plans.success', compact('plan', 'order_id')); } return redirect()->back()->with('error', 'Payment was not successful, please try again'); } public function addMollieFields(SubscriptionPlan $id, $subscription_id) { if (session()->has('customerID')) { $customerID = session()->get('customerID'); session()->forget('customerID'); $subscription = $this->createSubscription($customerID, $id); Subscriber::where('id', $subscription_id)->update([ 'subscription_id' => $subscription->id, 'mollie_customer_id' => $customerID, ]); } } public function createPayment($value, $currency) { return $this->makeRequest( 'POST', '/v2/payments', [], [ 'amount'=>[ 'currency' => $currency, 'value' => '' . sprintf('%0.2f', $value) . '', ], "description" => "Subscription Plan Payment", "redirectUrl" => route('user.payments.approved'), "webhookUrl" => config('services.mollie.webhook_uri'), ] ); } public function getPayment($paymentID) { return $this->makeRequest( 'GET', '/v2/payments/' . $paymentID, [], [] ); } public function createCustomer($name, $email) { return $this->makeRequest( 'POST', '/v2/customers', [], [ 'name' => $name, 'email' => $email, ], ); } public function createFirstPayment($customerID, SubscriptionPlan $id) { return $this->makeRequest( 'POST', '/v2/payments', [], [ 'amount'=>[ 'currency' => $id->currency, 'value' => $id->price, ], "customerId" => $customerID, "sequenceType" => "first", "description" => "Subscription Payment Mandate", "redirectUrl" => route('user.payments.subscription.approved', ['plan_id' => $id->id]), "webhookUrl" => config('services.mollie.webhook_uri'), ], [], $isJSONRequest = true, ); } public function createSubscription($customerID, SubscriptionPlan $id) { return $this->makeRequest( 'POST', '/v2/customers/'. $customerID .'/subscriptions', [], [ 'amount'=>[ 'currency' => $id->currency, 'value' => '' . sprintf('%0.2f', $id->price) . '', ], "interval" => "1 month", "description" => "Subscription Plan", "webhookUrl" => config('services.mollie.webhook_uri'), ], [], $isJSONRequest = true, ); } public function checkMandate($customerID) { return $this->makeRequest( 'GET', '/v2/customers/' . $customerID . '/mandates', [], [] ); } public function stopSubscription($subscriptionID) { $subscription = Subscriber::where('subscription_id', $subscriptionID)->firstOrFail(); return $this->makeRequest( "DELETE", "/v2/customers/" . $subscription->mollie_customer_id . "/subscriptions/" . $subscription->subscription_id, [], [], ); } public function validateSubscriptions(Request $request) { if (session()->has('customerID')) { $customerID = session()->get('customerID'); session()->forget('subscriptionID'); $mandate = $this->checkMandate($customerID); if ($mandate->count == 1) { if ($mandate->_embedded->mandates[0]->status == 'valid' || $mandate->_embedded->mandates[0]->status == 'pending') { return true; } else { return false; } } elseif ($mandate->count > 1) { foreach ($mandate->_embedded->mandates as $value) { if ($value->status == 'valid' || $value->status == 'pending') { return true; break; } } return false; } else { return false; } } return false; } }