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<?php namespace App\Models; use CodeIgniter\Model; use stdClass; //extend from this model to execute basic db operations class Crud_model extends Model { protected $table; protected $table_without_prefix; protected $db; protected $db_builder = null; private $log_activity = false; private $log_type = ""; private $log_type_title_key = ""; private $log_for = ""; private $log_for_key = ""; private $log_for2 = ""; private $log_for_key2 = ""; protected $allowedFields = array(); private $Activity_logs_model; function __construct($table = null, $db = null) { $this->Activity_logs_model = model("App\Models\Activity_logs_model"); $this->db = $db ? $db : db_connect('default'); $this->db->query("SET sql_mode = ''"); $this->use_table($table); } protected function use_table($table) { $db_prefix = $this->db->getPrefix(); $this->table = $db_prefix . $table; $this->table_without_prefix = $table; $this->db_builder = $this->db->table($this->table); } protected function disable_log_activity() { $this->log_activity = false; } protected function init_activity_log($log_type = "", $log_type_title_key = "", $log_for = "", $log_for_key = 0, $log_for2 = "", $log_for_key2 = 0) { if ($log_type) { $this->log_activity = true; $this->log_type = $log_type; $this->log_type_title_key = $log_type_title_key; $this->log_for = $log_for; $this->log_for_key = $log_for_key; $this->log_for2 = $log_for2; $this->log_for_key2 = $log_for_key2; } } function get_one($id = 0) { return $this->get_one_where(array('id' => $id)); } function get_one_where($where = array()) { $where = $this->_get_clean_value($where); $result = $this->db_builder->getWhere($where, 1); if ($result->getRow()) { return $result->getRow(); } else { $db_fields = $this->db->getFieldNames($this->table); $fields = new \stdClass(); foreach ($db_fields as $field) { $fields->$field = ""; } return $fields; } } function get_all($include_deleted = false) { $where = array("deleted" => 0); if ($include_deleted) { $where = array(); } return $this->get_all_where($where); } function escape_array($values = array()) { //use _get_clean_value instead. It'll be removed. return $this->_get_clean_value($values); } function get_all_where($where = array(), $limit = 1000000, $offset = 0, $sort_by_field = null, $select_field_names = null) { $where = $this->_get_clean_value($where); if ($select_field_names) { $this->db_builder->select($select_field_names); } $where_in = get_array_value($where, "where_in"); if ($where_in) { foreach ($where_in as $key => $value) { $this->db_builder->whereIn($key, $value); } unset($where["where_in"]); } if ($sort_by_field) { $this->db_builder->orderBy($sort_by_field, 'ASC'); } return $this->db_builder->getWhere($where, $limit, $offset); } function ci_save(&$data = array(), $id = 0) { //allowed fields should be assigned $db_fields = $this->db->getFieldNames($this->table); foreach ($db_fields as $field) { if ($field !== "id") { array_push($this->allowedFields, $field); } } //unset custom created by field if it's defined for activity log $activity_log_created_by_app = false; if (get_array_value($data, "activity_log_created_by_app")) { $activity_log_created_by_app = true; unset($data["activity_log_created_by_app"]); } if ($id) { $id = $this->_get_clean_value($id); if (!$id) { return false; //invalid id } //update $where = array("id" => $id); //to log an activity we have to know the changes. now collect the data before update anything if ($this->log_activity) { $data_before_update = $this->get_one($id); } $success = $this->update_where($data, $where); if ($success) { if ($this->log_activity) { //unset status_changed_at field for task update if ($this->log_type === "task" && isset($data["status_changed_at"])) { unset($data["status_changed_at"]); } //to log this activity, check the changes $fields_changed = array(); foreach ($data as $field => $value) { if ($data_before_update->$field != $value) { $fields_changed[$field] = array("from" => $data_before_update->$field, "to" => $value); } } //has changes? log the changes. if (count($fields_changed)) { $log_for_id = 0; if ($this->log_for_key) { $log_for_key = $this->log_for_key; $log_for_id = $data_before_update->$log_for_key; } $log_for_id2 = 0; if ($this->log_for_key2) { $log_for_key2 = $this->log_for_key2; $log_for_id2 = $data_before_update->$log_for_key2; } $log_type_title_key = $this->log_type_title_key; $log_type_title = isset($data_before_update->$log_type_title_key) ? $data_before_update->$log_type_title_key : ""; if ($this->log_type === "task" && $data_before_update->context != "project") { $log_for = "general_task"; } else { $log_for = $this->log_for; } $log_data = array( "action" => "updated", "log_type" => $this->log_type, "log_type_title" => $log_type_title, "log_type_id" => $id, "changes" => serialize($fields_changed), "log_for" => $log_for, "log_for_id" => $log_for_id, "log_for2" => $this->log_for2, "log_for_id2" => $log_for_id2, ); $this->Activity_logs_model->ci_save($log_data, $activity_log_created_by_app); $activity_log_id = $this->db->insertID(); $data["activity_log_id"] = $activity_log_id; } } } try { app_hooks()->do_action("app_hook_data_update", array( "id" => $id, "table" => $this->table, "table_without_prefix" => $this->table_without_prefix, "data" => $data )); } catch (\Exception $ex) { log_message('error', '[ERROR] {exception}', ['exception' => $ex]); } return $success; } else { //insert try { $data_from_hook = app_hooks()->apply_filters("app_filter_data_before_insert", array( "table" => $this->table, "table_without_prefix" => $this->table_without_prefix, "data" => $data )); // if there is no hook is triggering, we'll get the same sent data $data = get_array_value($data_from_hook, "data"); // the data could be modified from the hook or if it's undefined we have to assume that this data shouldn't be saved if (!$data) { return false; } } catch (\Exception $ex) { log_message('error', '[ERROR] {exception}', ['exception' => $ex]); } if ($this->db_builder->insert($data)) { $insert_id = $this->db->insertID(); if ($this->log_activity) { //log this activity $log_for_id = 0; if ($this->log_for_key) { $log_for_id = get_array_value($data, $this->log_for_key); } $log_for_id2 = 0; if ($this->log_for_key2) { $log_for_id2 = get_array_value($data, $this->log_for_key2); } if ($this->log_type === "task" && get_array_value($data, "context") != "project") { $log_for = "general_task"; } else { $log_for = $this->log_for; } $log_type_title = get_array_value($data, $this->log_type_title_key); $log_data = array( "action" => "created", "log_type" => $this->log_type, "log_type_title" => $log_type_title ? $log_type_title : "", "log_type_id" => $insert_id, "log_for" => $log_for, "log_for_id" => $log_for_id, "log_for2" => $this->log_for2, "log_for_id2" => $log_for_id2, ); $this->Activity_logs_model->ci_save($log_data, $activity_log_created_by_app); $activity_log_id = $this->db->insertID(); $data["activity_log_id"] = $activity_log_id; } try { app_hooks()->do_action("app_hook_data_insert", array( "id" => $insert_id, "table" => $this->table, "table_without_prefix" => $this->table_without_prefix, "data" => $data )); } catch (\Exception $ex) { log_message('error', '[ERROR] {exception}', ['exception' => $ex]); } return $insert_id; } } } function update_where($data = array(), $where = array()) { if (count($where)) { $where = $this->_get_clean_value($where); if ($this->db_builder->update($data, $where)) { $id = get_array_value($where, "id"); if ($id) { return $id; } else { return true; } } } } function delete($id = 0, $undo = false) { validate_numeric_value($id); $data = array('deleted' => 1); if ($undo === true) { $data = array('deleted' => 0); } $this->db_builder->where("id", $id); $success = $this->db_builder->update($data); if ($success) { if ($this->log_activity) { if ($undo) { // remove previous deleted log. $this->Activity_logs_model->delete_where(array("action" => "deleted", "log_type" => $this->log_type, "log_type_id" => $id)); } else { //to log this activity check the title $model_info = $this->get_one($id); $log_for_id = 0; if ($this->log_for_key) { $log_for_key = $this->log_for_key; $log_for_id = $model_info->$log_for_key; } $log_type_title_key = $this->log_type_title_key; $log_type_title = $model_info->$log_type_title_key; $log_data = array( "action" => "deleted", "log_type" => $this->log_type, "log_type_title" => $log_type_title ? $log_type_title : "", "log_type_id" => $id, "log_for" => $this->log_for, "log_for_id" => $log_for_id, ); $this->Activity_logs_model->ci_save($log_data); } } } try { app_hooks()->do_action("app_hook_data_delete", array( "id" => $id, "table" => $this->table, "table_without_prefix" => $this->table_without_prefix, )); } catch (\Exception $ex) { log_message('error', '[ERROR] {exception}', ['exception' => $ex]); } return $success; } function get_dropdown_list($option_fields = array(), $key = "id", $where = array()) { return $this->_get_dropdown_list($option_fields, $key, $where); } function get_dropdown_list_with_blank_option($option_fields = array(), $blank_option_text = "-", $where = array(), $key = "id") { return $this->_get_dropdown_list($option_fields, $key, $where, false, $blank_option_text); } function get_id_and_text_dropdown($option_fields = array(), $where = array(), $blank_option_text = "", $key = "id") { return $this->_get_dropdown_list($option_fields, $key, $where, true, $blank_option_text); } private function _get_dropdown_list($option_fields = array(), $key = "id", $where = array(), $prepare_as_id_and_text = false, $blank_option_text = "") { $option_fields = $this->_get_clean_value($option_fields); $key = $this->_get_clean_value($key); $first_field_name = get_array_value($option_fields, 0); if (!$first_field_name) { die("Option field is required to get dropdown list"); } $select_multiple_fields = count($option_fields) > 1; $select_field_names = $key . ", " . implode(", ", $option_fields); $where["deleted"] = 0; $list_data = $this->get_all_where($where, 0, 0, $first_field_name, $select_field_names)->getResult(); $result = array(); if ($blank_option_text) { if ($prepare_as_id_and_text) { $result[] = array("id" => "", "text" => $blank_option_text); } else { $result[""] = $blank_option_text; } } foreach ($list_data as $data) { $id = $data->$key; $text = ""; if ($select_multiple_fields) { foreach ($option_fields as $option) { $text .= $data->$option . " "; //Combine all fields } } else { $text = $data->$first_field_name; } if ($prepare_as_id_and_text) { $result[] = array("id" => $id, "text" => $text); } else { $result[$id] = $text; } } return $result; } //prepare a query string to get custom fields like as a normal field protected function prepare_custom_field_query_string($related_to, $custom_fields, $related_to_table, $custom_field_filter = array()) { $join_string = ""; $select_string = ""; $custom_field_values_table = $this->db->prefixTable('custom_field_values'); $field_type_array = array(); if ($related_to && $custom_fields) { $related_to = $this->_get_clean_value($related_to); foreach ($custom_fields as $cf) { $cf_id = $cf->id; $field_type_array[$cf_id] = $cf->field_type; $virtual_table = "cfvt_$cf_id"; //custom field values virtual table $select_string .= " , $virtual_table.value AS cfv_$cf_id "; $join_string .= " LEFT JOIN $custom_field_values_table AS $virtual_table ON $virtual_table.related_to_type='$related_to' AND $virtual_table.related_to_id=$ AND $virtual_table.deleted=0 AND $virtual_table.custom_field_id=$cf_id "; } } $where_string = ""; if (is_null($custom_field_filter) || !$custom_field_filter) { $custom_field_filter = array(); } foreach ($custom_field_filter as $cf_id => $cf_filter) { $cf_filter = $this->_get_clean_value($cf_filter); $field_type = get_array_value($field_type_array, $cf_id); $_where = " $custom_field_values_table.value= '$cf_filter'"; if ($field_type == "multi_select") { $_where = " FIND_IN_SET('$cf_filter', $custom_field_values_table.value)"; } $where_string .= " AND $ IN(SELECT $custom_field_values_table.related_to_id FROM $custom_field_values_table WHERE $custom_field_values_table.related_to_type='$related_to' AND $custom_field_values_table.deleted=0 AND $custom_field_values_table.custom_field_id=$cf_id AND $_where) "; } return array("select_string" => $select_string, "join_string" => $join_string, "where_string" => $where_string); } //get query of clients data according to to currency protected function _get_clients_of_currency_query($currency, $invoices_table, $clients_table) { $default_currency = get_setting("default_currency"); $currency = $currency ? $currency : $default_currency; $currency = $this->_get_clean_value(array("currency" => $currency), "currency"); $client_where = ($currency == $default_currency) ? " AND ($clients_table.currency='$default_currency' OR $clients_table.currency='' OR $clients_table.currency IS NULL)" : " AND $clients_table.currency='$currency'"; return " AND $invoices_table.client_id IN(SELECT $ FROM $clients_table WHERE $clients_table.deleted=0 $client_where)"; } protected function get_labels_data_query() { $labels_table = $this->db->prefixTable("labels"); return "(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT($, '--::--', $labels_table.title, '--::--', $labels_table.color, ':--::--:') FROM $labels_table WHERE FIND_IN_SET($, $this->table.labels)) AS labels_list"; } function delete_permanently($id = 0) { if ($id) { validate_numeric_value($id); $this->db_builder->where('id', $id); $result = $this->db_builder->delete(); if ($result) { try { app_hooks()->do_action("app_hook_data_delete", array( "id" => $id, "table" => $this->table, "table_without_prefix" => $this->table_without_prefix, )); } catch (\Exception $ex) { log_message('error', '[ERROR] {exception}', ['exception' => $ex]); } return true; } } } protected function prepare_allowed_client_groups_query($clients_table, $client_groups = array()) { $where = ""; if (is_array($client_groups) && count($client_groups) > 0) { $client_groups_where = ""; foreach ($client_groups as $client_group) { if ($client_groups_where) { $client_groups_where .= " OR "; } $client_groups_where .= " FIND_IN_SET('$client_group', $clients_table.group_ids)"; } if ($client_groups_where) { $where .= " AND ($client_groups_where) "; } } return $where; } protected function _get_clean_value($options_or_value, $key = "") { $value = $options_or_value; if (is_array($options_or_value) && $key) { $value = get_array_value($options_or_value, $key); } if (is_string($value)) { $length = strlen($value); // if ($length > 255) { // $backtrace = $this->get_backtrace(); // log_message('error', 'Input is too long detected by _get_clean_value where the key: ' . $key . $backtrace); // exit(); // } //check for valid date YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS if (($length === 10 && preg_match('/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/', $value)) || ($length === 19 && preg_match('/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/', $value)) ) { $date_format = (strlen($value) === 10) ? 'Y-m-d' : 'Y-m-d H:i:s'; $d = \DateTime::createFromFormat($date_format, $value); if (!$d || $d->format($date_format) !== $value) { $backtrace = $this->get_backtrace(); log_message('error', 'Invalid date detected by _get_clean_value where the key: ' . $key . ' and value: ' . $value . $backtrace); exit(); } return $value; // It's a valid date or date-time string, return as-is } // Block harmful SQL functions like ASCII, SUBSTRING, etc. if (preg_match('/\b(ASCII|SUBSTRING|MID|LENGTH|DATABASE|SCHEMA|BENCHMARK|SLEEP|VERSION|CHAR|CONCAT)\b/i', $value)) { $backtrace = $this->get_backtrace(); log_message('error', 'SQL function injection detected by _get_clean_value where the key: ' . $key . ' and value: ' . $value . $backtrace); exit(); } // Protect against common SQL keywords, harmful characters, and patterns if ( preg_match('/(?<!\w)\b(TABLE|UNION(?:\s+ALL)?|INSERT|DELETE|UPDATE|EXEC|DROP|ALTER|TRUNCATE|REPLACE|LOAD_FILE|OUTFILE|INTO|GROUP\s+BY|ORDER\s+BY|HAVING|CASE|LIKE|--|#|\/\*)\b(?!\w)/i', $value) || preg_match('/["]/', $value) // Dangerous characters (excluding semicolons) || preg_match('/0x[0-9a-f]+/i', $value) // Hexadecimal pattern || preg_match('/\/\*.*\*\//', $value) // SQL comments || preg_match('/\b\d+\s*[!=<>]\s*\d+\b(?!,)/', $value) // Detect numeric comparisons (e.g., 1=1) || preg_match('/%[0-9a-f]{2}/i', $value) // URL encoding like %27 for ' || preg_match('/(?<!\w)-\d+\s+(DELETE|UPDATE|INSERT|DROP|ALTER|UNION)\b/i', $value) ) { $backtrace = $this->get_backtrace(); log_message('error', 'Harmful injection detected by _get_clean_value where the key: ' . $key . ' and value: ' . $value . $backtrace); exit(); } return $this->db->escapeString($value); } else if (is_int($value) || is_numeric($value)) { return intval($value); } else if (is_bool($value)) { return $value; } else if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $array_key => $new_value) { $value[$array_key] = $this->_get_clean_value($new_value); } return $value; } else { return null; } } private function get_backtrace() { $backtrace_path = "\n"; $limited_backtrace = array_slice(debug_backtrace(), 1, 5); foreach ($limited_backtrace as $trace) { $backtrace_path .= "Function: " . $trace['function'] . " "; if (isset($trace['file'])) { $backtrace_path .= "File: " . $trace['file'] . " "; } if (isset($trace['line'])) { $backtrace_path .= "Line: " . $trace['line'] . " "; } $backtrace_path .= "\n"; } return $backtrace_path; } protected function get_custom_field_search_query($table, $related_to_type, $search_by) { $custom_field_values_table = $this->db->prefixTable('custom_field_values'); return " OR $ IN( SELECT $custom_field_values_table.related_to_id FROM $custom_field_values_table WHERE $custom_field_values_table.deleted=0 AND $custom_field_values_table.related_to_type='$related_to_type' AND $custom_field_values_table.value LIKE '%$search_by%' ESCAPE '!' ) "; } protected function get_sales_total_meta($id, $main_table, $items_table) { //$main_table like as invoices table //$items_table like as invoice_items_table $taxes_table = $this->db->prefixTable('taxes'); $invoice_sql = "SELECT $, $main_table.discount_amount, $main_table.discount_amount_type, $main_table.discount_type, tax_table.percentage AS tax_percentage, tax_table2.percentage AS tax_percentage2, tax_table3.percentage AS tax_percentage3, tax_table.title AS tax_name, tax_table2.title AS tax_name2, tax_table3.title AS tax_name3, taxable_item.total_taxable, non_taxable_item.total_non_taxable FROM $main_table LEFT JOIN (SELECT $, $taxes_table.percentage, $taxes_table.title FROM $taxes_table) AS tax_table ON = $main_table.tax_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT $, $taxes_table.percentage, $taxes_table.title FROM $taxes_table) AS tax_table2 ON = $main_table.tax_id2 LEFT JOIN (SELECT $, $taxes_table.percentage, $taxes_table.title FROM $taxes_table) AS tax_table3 ON = $main_table.tax_id3 LEFT JOIN (SELECT SUM($ AS total_taxable, $items_table.invoice_id FROM $items_table WHERE $items_table.deleted=0 AND $items_table.taxable = 1 GROUP BY $items_table.invoice_id) AS taxable_item ON taxable_item.invoice_id = $ LEFT JOIN (SELECT SUM($ AS total_non_taxable, $items_table.invoice_id FROM $items_table WHERE $items_table.deleted=0 AND $items_table.taxable = 0 GROUP BY $items_table.invoice_id) AS non_taxable_item ON non_taxable_item.invoice_id = $ WHERE $main_table.deleted=0 AND $ = $id"; $invoice_info = $this->db->query($invoice_sql)->getRow(); if (!$invoice_info->id) { return null; } $total_taxable = $invoice_info->total_taxable ? $invoice_info->total_taxable : 0; $total_non_taxable = $invoice_info->total_non_taxable ? $invoice_info->total_non_taxable : 0; $sub_total = $total_taxable + $total_non_taxable; $discount_total = 0; $invoice_total = 0; if ($invoice_info->discount_amount_type == "percentage") { $non_taxable_discount_value = $total_non_taxable * ($invoice_info->discount_amount / 100); if ($invoice_info->discount_type == "before_tax") { $taxable_discount_value = $total_taxable * ($invoice_info->discount_amount / 100); $total_taxable = $total_taxable - $taxable_discount_value; //apply discount before tax } $tax1 = $total_taxable * ($invoice_info->tax_percentage / 100); $tax2 = $total_taxable * ($invoice_info->tax_percentage2 / 100); $tax3 = $total_taxable * ($invoice_info->tax_percentage3 / 100); $total_taxable = $total_taxable + $tax1 + $tax2 - $tax3; $invoice_total = $total_taxable + $total_non_taxable - $non_taxable_discount_value; //deduct only non-taxable discount since the taxable discount already deducted if ($invoice_info->discount_type == "after_tax") { $taxable_discount_value = $total_taxable * ($invoice_info->discount_amount / 100); $invoice_total = $total_taxable + $total_non_taxable - $taxable_discount_value - $non_taxable_discount_value; } $discount_total = $taxable_discount_value + $non_taxable_discount_value; } else { //discount_amount_type is fixed_amount $discount_total = $invoice_info->discount_amount; //fixed amount //fixed amount discount. fixed amount can't be applied before tax when there are both taxable and non-taxable items. //calculate all togather if ($invoice_info->discount_type == "before_tax" && $total_taxable > 0) { $total_taxable = $total_taxable - $discount_total; } else if ($invoice_info->discount_type == "before_tax" && $total_taxable == 0) { $total_non_taxable = $total_non_taxable - $discount_total; } $tax1 = $total_taxable * ($invoice_info->tax_percentage / 100); $tax2 = $total_taxable * ($invoice_info->tax_percentage2 / 100); $tax3 = $total_taxable * ($invoice_info->tax_percentage3 / 100); $invoice_total = $total_taxable + $total_non_taxable + $tax1 + $tax2 - $tax3; //discount before tax if ($invoice_info->discount_type == "after_tax") { $invoice_total = $total_taxable + $total_non_taxable + $tax1 + $tax2 - $tax3 - $discount_total; } } $info = new \stdClass(); $info->invoice_total = number_format($invoice_total, 2, ".", "") * 1; $info->invoice_subtotal = number_format($sub_total, 2, ".", "") * 1; $info->discount_total = number_format($discount_total, 2, ".", "") * 1; $info->tax_percentage = $invoice_info->tax_percentage; $info->tax_percentage2 = $invoice_info->tax_percentage2; $info->tax_percentage3 = $invoice_info->tax_percentage3; $info->tax_name = $invoice_info->tax_name; $info->tax_name2 = $invoice_info->tax_name2; $info->tax_name3 = $invoice_info->tax_name3; $info->tax = number_format($tax1, 2, ".", "") * 1; $info->tax2 = number_format($tax2, 2, ".", "") * 1; $info->tax3 = number_format($tax3, 2, ".", "") * 1; $info->discount_type = $invoice_info->discount_type; return $info; } function get_share_with_users_of_event($event_info = null, $query_for_notification = false) { if (!($event_info && $event_info->share_with)) { return ""; } $users_table = $this->db->prefixTable('users'); $team_table = $this->db->prefixTable('team'); $where = ""; $created_by = $this->_get_clean_value($event_info->created_by); $share_with_value = $this->_get_clean_value($event_info->share_with); $share_with_array = explode(",", $share_with_value); // found an array like this array("member:1", "member:2", "team:1") $or_query_array = array(); if (in_array("all", $share_with_array)) { // has 'all' access $or_query_array[] = " $users_table.user_type='staff' "; } if (in_array("all_contacts", $share_with_array)) { // has 'all_contacts' access $client_id = $this->_get_clean_value($event_info->client_id); $or_query_array[] = " $users_table.client_id=$client_id "; } // has member/team/contact access $event_users = array(); $event_team = array(); $event_contact = array(); foreach ($share_with_array as $share) { $share_context_explode = explode(":", $share); if (count($share_context_explode) != 2) continue; list($context, $context_id) = $share_context_explode; if ($context === "member") $event_users[] = $context_id; if ($context === "team") $event_team[] = $context_id; if ($context === "contact") $event_contact[] = $context_id; } //find team members if (count($event_users)) { $or_query_array[] = " FIND_IN_SET($, '" . join(',', $event_users) . "') "; } //find team if (count($event_team)) { $or_query_array[] = " FIND_IN_SET($, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT($team_table.members) AS team_users FROM $team_table WHERE $team_table.deleted=0 AND FIND_IN_SET($, '" . join(',', $event_team) . "'))) "; } //find client contacts if (count($event_contact)) { $or_query_array[] = " FIND_IN_SET($, '" . join(',', $event_contact) . "') "; } $where = " (" . join(" OR ", $or_query_array) . ") "; if ($query_for_notification) { $where = " OR " . $where; return $where; } else { $where = " AND " . $where; } $sql = "SELECT $, $ FROM $users_table WHERE $users_table.deleted=0 AND $users_table.status='active' AND $!=$created_by $where"; return $this->db->query($sql); } }