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package Common; # cpanel - installd/ Copyright 2021 cPanel, L.L.C. # All rights reserved. # # This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited use strict; use warnings; use IO::Handle (); use IO::Select (); use IPC::Open3 (); use HTTP::Tiny (); # Fatpacked. use CpanelLogger; # Must import! use CpanelGPG (); use CpanelConfig (); ################################################################################ # Set up output handling code ################################################################################ sub ssystem { my @cmd = @_; my $conf_hr = ref( $cmd[-1] ) eq 'HASH' ? pop(@cmd) : {}; die "no command line passed to ssystem!" unless @cmd; no warnings 'redefine'; local *DEBUG = *DEBUG; *DEBUG = sub {} if $conf_hr->{'quiet'}; local $CpanelLogger::message_caller_depth = $CpanelLogger::message_caller_depth + 1; # Set caller depth deeper during this sub so debugging it clearer. DEBUG( '- ssystem [BEGIN]: ' . join( ' ', @cmd ) ); open( my $rnull, '<', '/dev/null' ) or die "Can't open /dev/null: $!"; my $io = IO::Handle->new; my $pid = IPC::Open3::open3( $rnull, $io, $io, @cmd ); $io->blocking(0); my $select = IO::Select->new($io); my $exit_status; my $buffer = ''; my $buffered_waiting_count = 0; while ( !defined $exit_status ) { while ( my $line = readline($io) ) { # Push the buffer lacking a newline onto the front of this. if ($buffer) { $line = $buffer . $line; $buffer = ''; } $line =~ s/\r//msg; # Strip ^M from output for better log output. # Internally buffer on newlines. if ( $line =~ m/\n$/ms ) { DEBUG( " " . $line ); $buffered_waiting_count = 0; } else { print "." if ( $buffered_waiting_count++ > 1 ); $buffer = $line; } } # Parse exit status or yield time to the CPU. if ( waitpid( $pid, 1 ) == $pid ) { DEBUG( " " . $buffer ) if $buffer; $exit_status = $? >> 8; } else { # Watch the file handle for output. $select->can_read(0.01); } } if ($exit_status) { if ( !$conf_hr->{'ignore_errors'} ) { ERROR(" - ssystem [EXIT_CODE] '$cmd[0]' exited with $exit_status"); } else { DEBUG(" - ssystem [EXIT_CODE] '$cmd[0]' exited with $exit_status (ignored)"); } } close($rnull); $io->close(); DEBUG('- ssystem [END]'); return $exit_status; } sub cpfetch { my ( $url, %opts ) = @_; if ( !$url ) { FATAL("The system called the cpfetch process without a URL."); } my $file = _get_file( $url, %opts ); return unless defined $file; if ( $file =~ /\.bz2$/ ) { ssystem( "/usr/bin/bunzip2", $file ); } if ( CpanelConfig::signatures_enabled() ) { $url =~ s/\.bz2$//g; $file =~ s/\.bz2$//g; my $sig = _get_file("$url.asc"); CpanelGPG::verify_file( $file, $sig, $url ); } # the xz file itself is signed only extract it after checking the signature if ( $file =~ /\.xz$/ ) { ssystem( "/usr/bin/unxz", $file ); } return; } sub _get_file { my ( $url, %opts ) = @_; $url = 'http://' . CpanelConfig::get_update_source() . $url; # NOTE: assumes no query or fragment in URL my @FILE = split( /\//, $url ); my $file = pop(@FILE); if ( -e $file ) { WARN("Warning: Overwriting the $file file..."); unlink $file; FATAL("The system could not remove the $file file.") if ( -e $file ); } DEBUG("Retrieving $url to the $file file..."); my ( $rc, $out ) = fetch_url_to_file( $url, $file ); if ( !-e $file || -z $file ) { unlink $file; FATAL("The system could not fetch the $file file: $out"); } return $file; } # $file can be '-' to return the output as a scalar, or the path to a file to download the given $url sub fetch_url_to_file { my ( $url, $file ) = @_; # wget fallback for our single https call. RHEL 6 does not have a new enough SSL stack. if ( $url =~ m/^https/i && HTTP::Tiny->can_ssl == 0 ) { unlink $file; ssystem( qw{/usr/bin/wget --no-verbose --inet4-only --output-document}, $file, $url ); return ( 1, 'ok' ) if $? == 0 && -s $file; } my $data_callback = sub { my ( $data, $progress ) = @_; open( my $fh, '>>', $file ) or die("Cannot open $file for write"); binmode $fh; print {$fh} $data; close $fh; }; my $download_failure_reason = ''; my $max = 3; foreach my $iter ( 1 .. $max ) { unlink $file; my $http = HTTP::Tiny->new; my $response = $http->get( $url, { 'data_callback' => $data_callback } ); return ( 1, 'ok' ) if $response && $response->{'success'}; $download_failure_reason = sprintf( "%s: %s", $response->{'status'} // 0, $response->{'reason'} // "unknown failure" ); WARN("Call to URL '$url' failed, attempt [$iter/$max]"); if ( $iter == $max ) { # If HTTP::Tiny did not work, try with wget # wget has better handling for failed mirrors ssystem( qw{/usr/bin/wget --no-verbose --inet4-only --output-document}, $file, $url ); return ( 1, 'ok' ) if $? == 0 && -s $file; my $type = substr( $url, -4 ) eq '.asc' ? 'signature' : 'file'; FATAL("Failed to download $type at URL $url: $download_failure_reason"); } sleep 3; } return ( 0, $download_failure_reason ); } 1;